Saturday, March 30, 2013
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland
System: PS3
Bought: May 17th 2012
Started: First Time: May 17th 2012
Second Time: Feb. 28th 2013
Beat: March 28th 2013
Trophies: 29 of 29
My Third Platinum!
Idea: It's 5 Years after the End of Rorona. You are Totori, Rorona's first "student". Apparently Rorona went out wandering and ended up starving at Totori's doorstep. While Totori and her older sister Ceci took care of Rorona she attempted to teach Totori Alchemy... and it worked!
Now armed with Alchemy and a desire to find out what happened to her Adventurer Mother Totori sets off{with her friend Gino} to obtain an Adventurer's License. Throughout the game you make stuff, fight monsters and explore to get points, Points that will raise your Adventurer Rank. If you don't get enough points before a certain time your License is revoked.
Thoughts: This was actually the first Atelier game I bought, Finding it at GameStop used for a decent price and just jumped in. Never actually playing through the entire game until now though, I am really happy that I went through Rorona before seriously going after Totori.
Now.... Many game mechanics were a vast improvement over Rorona, like not having to have items in your basket to turn in for Quests. The game itself was dead boring till about the third year....the third year out of six. Character wise, Most of the "new" characters were not that great... Totori herself and her sister Ceci were probably the best two characters in the game. Oh... Totori's mother was also great but you really don't see much of her. Too bad too since I bet a game based around her would be pretty damn amusing.
The End: I got them all, My favorite had to be the True Ending followed by the Chim Ending. Like Rorona when you "die" you don't really die you just loose time, If you don't meet the rank reqs for your time limit you get your license taken away and the game ends on the bad ending.
Totooria Helmold - 13 years old in the beginning, Quiet.... Timid.... Quite young to be setting off to fight monsters but it was sort of Gino's idea at first. Of course she needed an Adventurers License to go find her mother, Her mother who was known as one of the Greatest Adventurers but suddenly stopped coming home 2 years ago. Her sister and father have pretty much accepted that Gisela was dead but... Totori couldn't quite accept that.
In ways Totori is a bit of a carbon copy of Rorona but then... in other ways she's not. She seems a little more mature really and possibly even smarter. Even during this game Rorona's a bit of a flake...
Gino Knab - An irritating 14 year old boy, Totori's childhood friend and fellow adventurer. It's a bit obvious that Gino has a liking for Totori but... of course... she is oblivious to this. He practically worships Sterk from the first time he sees how strong he is, Eventually he basically begs Sterk to train him.
Big Mistake on Sterks part, He accepts.
The events leading up to Gino's ending is rather amusing... extremely amusing.. He talks Totori into sparring him and she ends up beating him with one whack with her staff. The head shot and loss causes Gino to run away crying, Sterk goes after him and the two leave a bewildered Totori behind.
About two, maybe three weeks later. Sterk and Rorona devise a plan for Gino to get his Manhood back. While Sterk is attempting to teach Gino his "Special" move, Rorona lures Totori out into the open and sets a giant, adorable, flower-shape covered puni monster after her. Totori Screams, Gino hears it and to the Rescue he goes!!
Gino's ending is a little boring, He scolds her for renewing her license without him and complains about Sterk... Then the two of them go out adventuring with one another with Sterk and Rorona in the background watching.
Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang - 14 Years old, She's the "Cordy" of this game. A loud, obnoxious aristocrat. The first time you see her is in Arland, At the Adventurers Guild arguing with Cordelia about getting an Adventurers License, Denied at first a few weeks later Mimi shows up at Totoris house to show that she finally got her License. {Not sure why Totori should care}
Anyways, It ends up that Mimi aids Totori in her adventures and by the end of the game they are basically best friends. It's also revealed that Mimi was a weak child that the other children would pick up, She would go crying to her mother that would tell her to be proud of who she was. After her mother died she really seems to be starved for attention/love, Getting jealous of Totori's relationship with Ceci and all.
Her ending was so-so, She and Totori run off together and make their names known across the globe!
Melvia Siebel - Mel for short, She is an 18 year old childhood friend of Ceci's and current adventurer. A bit on the lazy side she does has some seriously supernatural strength going on where Ceci couldn't even pick her battleaxe off the ground.
I thought she was going to end up as a better character but, Even with the background I learned on her it was a bit dull. She's best friends with Ceci and thinks Peter is a coward for not telling Ceci how he feels.. Her ending? I saw it but I don't remember it. haha, Ah well.
Marc McBrine - The Exceedingly Exceptional Genius Super Scientist Professor McBrine or the extremely disturbing goofy guy who skinned a cat to put the fur on a robot cat. I just hated this guy from the get-go, No love here at all. He made the carriage and the boat go faster sure but... other then that... useless.
His ending was at least amusing though, Leading up to it he builds a robot that rises from Arlands canal getting Cory extremely pissed off.. The End itself was him building an uber giant robot at taking Totori out to look for whatever civilization built the other robots. Of course, They are riding in the robots hand which is not fun nor comfortable...and she's latched onto him in fear of falling.
Cecilia Helmold - Totori's older sister, Mel's best friend, Peters love interest. You never really get to play as her in battle or anything but, You do take her out on a few adventures to get Mel's ending. After their mother dissapeared Ceci pretty much took on the mother role, Not that their mother really ever had the mother roll down.
With Ceci taking care of Totori she could never realize her own dream of becoming an Adventurer, A dream that you don't learn of until quite late in the game when Mel tells Totori that she and Ceci use to play adventurer together.
I really love this character, She's the motherly one and the caretaker and can hold her liquor better then everyone in town. She was dead set against Totori becoming and adventurer.... and going out on the boat but... She threw a lil tantrum and then got on board for both.
It's really cute how she latches onto Piana when you bring her back from the Frozen Village place.
Rorona Frixell - Where did her parents go? I know it's like 5 years later but...Wouldn't they still be in Arland somewhere? She's 22 now and every bit as naive and childish as she was in Atelier Rorona, She wanders around the lands looking for Astrid and her Hom... More so the Hom but yea...
She ends up being Totori's teacher after basically passing out on their doorstep, Later in the game Totori's dad ends up "catching" Rorona on his fishing line. She had fallen in a river upstream and had floated on down to the ocean.
Rorona pauses in quest to find Astrid to help Totori. The Rorona ending was "okay", She and Totori open a school with Totori being her assistant. Turns out though that Totori is a better teacher then Rorona due to Rorona's instructions being a bit too vague for the kids.
Sterkenburg Cranach - He's 33 now, Almost as old as Totori's Dad. He still has a thing for young girls too... or at least that's the vibe I get. Of course nothing is ever concrete on that matter in these games..
You first meet him when going to Arland with Gino, Peters carriage is attacked by a monster and Sterk shows up and kills it. At first glance Totori screams of course, Sterk is still scary looking...;.;
With Arland dropping the whole Royalty thing Sterk is no longer a "Knight", He seems a bit lost really... not entirely sure what to do,.Other then hunt down the old King, Who has ran off somewhere and you never see him in the game.
It took a little poke from Rorona but, Sterk ends up helping Totori with the hunt for her mother... Since he could never find the King. Sterks ending is very amusing, He's torn between being used by Rorona and Totori. They are fighting over him like a piece of pie.
Cordelia von Feurbach - She's the boss at the Adventurers guild, She's in charge of the Licenses and such and she's still a bit loud and sensitive about her height. When she sees Chim for the first time she's probably the happiest person in the game...Seeing he's like 2 feet tall.
Filly Dee - Esty's younger sister, She's scared of everything and just not very good with handling people. Her sister made her take the job at the Guild, She handles the Requests. She also gets molested by Tiffani but then so does Totori... Crazy Drunken Woman.
The most amusing scene with her was really when Totori asked her to be a part of Peters Fishing Festival Event, After hearing that there would be 7 other beautiful women there she jumped at the chance to join.
Peter - The Annoying carriage driver that has a thing for Totori's older sister.
Gerhard - The bartender at the only restaurant in Totori's hometown, She makes fish flavored liquors for him.
Hagel, Tiffani, Pam and Iksel all make a return as well, Pretty much doing what they always did in Rorona. Pam does however have a non-ghost body now that Astrid{or was it Rorona?} made for her, she has also moved to Alanya because she wants to see the ocean.
They mention Astrid, Hom, Esty, Lionela, Gio and Tantris but... You don't see them. Apparently Tantris had his head shaved by his dead as a punishment for something and he's locked himself in his room.
Gisela Helmold - Totori and Ceci's Mother, She vanished a few years before the game began and is the main reason Totori became an adventurer. Believed to be dead by most, Totori didn't remember what had happened till close to the end of the game.
Guid, Her husband had made a boat for her to go explore the sea and possible defeat the giant sea monster thing that I can't remember the name of. The sea monster got the best of her though and the ship was badly damaged.
Washing up on a distant shore, She found a village there of all women... women meant to be sacrifices to some evil demon in a not to far away tower. The demons awakening was random but, Just her luck.. It started while Gisela was there and she went to try to put an end to the monster.
Calling it a "Tie", Gisela came back to the village badly beated and insisted that she'd go die on her boat which she had just recently finished fixing. So yea, The crazy woman was thought to be dead.
Favorite Ending: True Ending, I did not see that coming. Actually cried a little when Gisela started to walk into the village, I thought for sure that Totori's mother was really dead.
"Damn That Glasses Lady. She said it'd take fifty years, I recovered in eight." Astrid... Everyone who saw her... the reactions were great.
What Now? Going to go back and Platinum Rorona.... I hope. Sitting through the ending credits over and over is just mind numbing. At least with Totori you just had to press start to skip it.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Episodes: 26
How: Netflix Stream {dub}
Rating: 5 out of 5
Summary: {From MAL} In this world, humans coexist with demonic predators called Yoma. These demonic beasts feast on human innards and can blend into human society by taking on human appearance. As a counter force, a mysterious organization created half-human, half-Yoma warriors known as the "Silver Eyed Witches" or "Claymores", after the huge claymore swords they carry. They are detested by humanity however necessary.
The story begins with a young boy, Raki, who has lost everything in a Yoma attack, and the Claymore, Clare, who is generally detested by society. Throughout the series, Clare and Raki show their deeper qualities, powers and Clare's never ending devotion to the goal she swore to fulfill in her childhood.
Thoughts: Few shows keep my interest so much that I watch 26 episode in two nights, Even fewer when it comes to dubbed shows. I'm sure the Japanese voices would probably have been better but Netflix isn't kind enough to give one an option.
Who we have....
Many Claymores who I won't get into.....
Raki: I hate you, It's nice that you can calm Clare and prevent her from "awakening" but you're a moronic, whiny little kid. You keep trying to attack Yoma or stalk after Clare while she's going on a mission... Why not just keep to your role as her cook. Really.....I wish Priscilla had eaten you.
Clare: At first episode, She was just another "Claymore" sent to a town to rid it of a Yoma. {Then Raki stalkers her and stuff} It wasn't till episode five that more of her backstory was given... As a child she was semi-rescued from a Yoma by Teresa {The Number One Ranked Claymore of her time}
Much like Raki but less annoying she followed Teresa out of town and kept on following her even after Teresa kicked and yelled at her. Eventually Teresa softens to Clare and takes her in... Points, Teresa ends up killing humans to protect Clare and is "put to death" for her actions.
Being the #1 Claymore it takes an Awakened #2 to finally kill her, Priscilla. Here is Clares motive to become a Claymore, Instead of taking the flesh of a Yoma into her she takes Teresas into her.
Anyways, For most the series she's doing her job and attempting to become strong enough to take revenge on Priscilla for killing Teresa. Does she do it?
The End: No, Raki gets in the way again. Many,Many battles and no closure at the end... I wouldn't say the ending was bad. It couldn't be a full ending since the Manga is still not finished and this show came out in 2007. It'd be nice if it got a second season but, From what I've read about the Manga the plot gets more and more convoluted...
Favorite Character{s}: Teresa, Episode 8 was the biggest WTF moment I have had in a while. Just as she was about to kill Priscilla, Priscilla awakend and just... Lopped her head off. >_> I paused the episode and just stared at the screen a few seconds, Then brought it back a few frames and watched it again.
Least Favorite Character{s}: Raki, I hate you.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
Episodes: 12
How: Fansubs
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Overview: {From MAL} Taito has been really sleepy lately, and keeps dreaming of a female vampire who says she has given him her "poison." Sometimes he even thinks he hears her voice when he's awake. But after surviving an accident that should have killed him, Taito's world changes drastically and he realizes that his dreams are more real than he thought.
Thoughts: Taito! Himea! Taito! Himea! Uhg. Up until Episode 6 this show was pretty painful to watch. I had to stop myself from deleting the series from my hard drive multiple times....
What kept me going? Curiousity. I wanted to see how it ended and now I am semi-glad I did. It certainly needs a second season. Nothing was really solved, Taito still has two women after him and the bad guys are still running around.
Guess you can't expect a lot from a 12 episode series that has a Manga that's still going but.... Damn! What did Taito loose when he made the deal with Edeluca in episode seven? At first I thought it was his feelings for Haruka but...Nope. He still seemed all worried about her. Grrr... Anyways..
{Characters and Stuff}
Taito Kurogane: It begins with a dream, Taito dreaming of a unknown girl he met when he was just a little boy. She bit him and injected him with her "poison" that has cursed him so that he will be by her side forever...
It wasn't a dream, Go figure. While saving a girl{Mirai} from being hit by a truck he looses his head.... Litterally. His body gets up off the ground, picks up his talking head and runs off with it right in front of the girl {Mirai} which gains him the nickname of Immortal-Kun.
His memories comes back, He rushes to the last spot that he remembers seeing Himea and she returns to him... Tada!
He's only somewhat immortal, He can die six times... On his seventh death he will be really dead. This resets every 15 minutes, I'm still not sure if it's 15 minutes from his first death or 15 from his last death but that's just another question...
Throughout the series he's trying to get stronger to protect Himea, I guess he sort of does get stronger but by the end he's still pretty useless other then for a meat shield.
Himea Saito: She's a Vampire Witch, She meets Taito when he's just a young boy and falls in love with him... putting a curse on him to make it where he can stay with her forever they are soon torn apart by a strange boy {Hinata} and she is sealed away.
After breaking free, She's reunited with Taito {TaitoTaitoTaito} and Hinata pops back up to seal her away/take her again... Fight ensues more people show up and Taito ends up completely dead.
Later in the series it's revealed that Himea takes the dead Taito to Edeluca for him to be revived, She grants wishes then takes something of equal value in exchange. What did she take? A good portion of Himea's powers.
Lots of people are after her, Want to use her, kill her or seal her up. She's really quite annoying and is jealous of Taito's friendship with Haruka, She's good at playing damsel in distress even though she's supposed to be powerful {even with the powers taken} and it seems she may actually be the Ancient Sorceress that goes insane from loneliness and destroys the planet...
Gekkou Kurenai: President of the Student Council of Miyasaka High, Monster Killer, Twin of a crazy psycho and all around jackass with a giant ego. Well, Maybe he's not that big of an ass but he certainly isn't that likable {most the time}.
Nine years ago his twin brother Hinata sacrificed their parents for power, Sense then Gekkou has sought out power of his own and has now been trained in exorcism, possesses an ancient sword known as Spell Error and is the Master of Mirai.
He's quite useful, Yet his ego certainly gets in the way and he's nowhere near as powerful as he thinks he is.
Mirai Andou: A cute, playful yet probably more dangerous then she seems demon that was sent to kill Gekkou by Hinata. It didn't work, Gekkou ended up defeating her and forcing her into a contract...
She can't use her powers unless Gekkou kisses her and she's normally just a clueless little girl. When activated her powers are lightning based, Apparently she is supposed to be a super powerful demon type but... meh.
Seems she does have some love for her master, seeing she gets so flustered when he ignores her and such..
Izumi Aomi:An ordinary human... She joins the student council out of boredom? Curiosity?
So, I need to get to the end of this... The series is really unfinished, Taito's "friend" Haruka ends up getting kidnapped by two demons who want to trade her for Himea.
Seems Haruka isn't quite human either, She has{or had?} some sort of split personality that was watching Taito. The two demons {Serge and Hasga} end up "sealing" the second personality so that Haruka may live on and pursue Taito.
A love triangle with a clueless guy in the middle. It ends with Taito saving the day.... Sort of. Serge and Hasga end up becoming members of the student council and going to Taito's school and... Yea.... Unfinished.
Favorite Episode{s} ; Episode 6 ~ Mirai's "date" with Gekkou.
Episode 12 ~ Hot springs, Everyone together!
Least Favorite Episode{s}; Episodes 2 thru 5 ~ Uhg.
Favorite Character{s}; Izumi Aomi ~ I like her attitude the most.
Least Favorite Character{s}:
Himea ~ She's irritating, clingy and TaitoTaitoTaito.
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Walking Dead
System: PS3
Bought: March 4th
Started: March 5th
Beat: March 17th 2013
Trophies: 37 of 37
My Second Platinum!
Idea: You're Lee Everett, You've been saved from going to Prison for murder by a Zombie Apocalypse. Well, Okay. I guess there are some things worse then prison. The human race is raising from the dead to nosh on people... and you get to bash their brains in!
Soon after you escape your Zombie Police Man escort you come across a little girl named Clementine, Her parents had been away on vacation {Savannah} when the chaos began and now she is all alone. Can't let a little girl hide in a Tree House forever so... You bring her with ya.
The start of a wonderful Journey....
Thoughts: This is loosely based on the TV Show, Same idea with different characters. I somehow got through all the first season, portions of the second and a couple episodes of the third season before becoming bored with the whole watching people kill Zombies thing.
The game was a different story, This thing is fun. You kill Zombies, The Occasional Nutcase human and your choices really matter. I actually started caring about what happened to some of the characters, From wanting to do what's best for Clem to really wishing Ben would just go die all ready. It kept my attention through all 5 Episodes and left me wanting more, Much more....
The End: Hmph, It was Emotional. Sadly, No matter what choices you make through the 5 Episodes you are left with one "Ending". I must have played the end of Episode 4 five or six times to try to not get bit by that damn Zombie. No Luck though, You are destined to die and or become a Zombie.
Destined to leave Clem Alone, Even though there were two other survivors I still consider it alone. I am not with her anymore so.... I left my Clementine alone. :(
Lee Everett - This is you, The main character. From Macon, He was once a Professor at a School in Georgia who walked in on his wife doing another guy. Well, Okay... I am not sure if she was doing him at the time but it pissed Lee off enough to just murder the guy. Anyways, You're on your way to Prison when the Zombie Apocalypse begins and the Patrol car you're in gets into an accident {Hits a Walker.}.
When you wake up after the accident the Police Officer escorting you to Prison has died, then turned into a Zombie. Kind of sad really, The cop was a rather nice guy in the car and I really didn't get much delight in killing him.
After your initial escape you come across a house...where you find a girl... Clementine.
Clementine - An 8 year old girl that you find just after your "escape" from the Zombie Police. Her parents were away on Vacation when hell broke loose and she has been surviving in her tree house alone. A quiet and resourceful girl she really ends up being more help throughout the game than some of the older characters.
For most of the game she's sort of like your little sidekick that drives you forward, I chose to take a fatherly roll with the girl where as I guess I could have been a little more uncaring. It sort of gave me a rage moment whenever she was in danger or in Episode 2.... almost ate something she REALLY did not want to eat.
She's also really focused on finding out what happened to her parents in Savannah, In her little head it was like they could still be alive but... in the end... meh.
These are the only two I'll write about... Why? Because they are the most "constant" to me, I choose things Lee does or says and Clem is the reason I do and say some things. I'll do minor touches on other characters below...
Episodes Decisions
Episode 1: A New Day - I'm just some guy, I saved Duck, I Saved Doug, I sided with Kenny and I let Kenny know about the fact my Family owned the Drugstore. I also trusted Carley but then, I let her die so I guess that didn't make a difference. I really can't stand Lilly and her dad is a huge pain in the ass...
Episode 2: These bastards are eating people, After a while of not seeing Mark I had a bad feeling... and this bad feeling panned out. Humans eating People, Zombies eating people. I suppose in a way their line of thought was logical but really....At least I saved Clem from eating Marks legs.
The bright side of this episode was... Yey!! We killed Larry! I sided with Kenny. When escaping the Walkers that just so happened to show up at the Farm.... We stole stuff from a car. We didn't know whose car it was or anything but... We took the stuff. Shame on Us.
Episode 3: Lilly is more annoying then ever. Stuff has been vanishing, We're not sure who has been taking it and finding out was a bit of a bugger. The Bandits have been bothering us and we've been giving them stuff to keep them at bay... of course this doesn't last long. We have Bandits and Walkers attacking at one point and we finally leave the Motel in the RV.
Not that we had much choice.
On the Road, Lilly is dead set on figuring out who was taking stuff.... She thinks it was Ben. I figured it could be Ben because Doug just didn't seem chickenshit enough to do it. We hit a walker so to the side of the road we go, That was a mistake.
Outside the RV, Lilly and Ben are arguing and much drama ensues. This leads to Lilly trying to shoot Ben but hitting Dough instead.. One more dead. There's a choice to leave Lilly on the side of the road or take her with you, I should have left her but I didn't. She stole my RV when we get to the train.. *sad face*
Oh yea, Duck was bitten back at the Motel and he ends up sort of turning but not quite... I had Lee shoot him in the head that way Kenny wouldn't have to. Certainly since Kennys wife kills herself before Duck is killed or turns.
Now we have a Train at least.
Episode 4: We lost a lot of people in the last episode, We gained three new ones though. Now we've gotten to Savannah to find that boat. Of course we don't find a boat....and we loose more people and gain more people. Lots of coming and goings. Chuck did not stay alive long. *sad* He will be missed.
There's also some weirdo talking to Clem on her radio that I thought was busted but somehow got fixed {Doug gave her batteries) and a community of humans killing off the old, young and sick.
I guess the biggest deal on this episode is that Clem is kidnapped by the freak on the Radio and Lee got bit, There's no way around getting bit either. Grrrr I told everyone I was bit too, Decided it'd be bad to hide it and they found out another way. They were very supportive.
Episode 5: Here we are, The last Episode. Lee was bit in the last episode and Clem was taken by the mysterious radio freak. Oh yea, It also turns out the old cancer survivor people stole the boat we found too. haha... Oh well.
I had no idea who the guy on the radio could be, At least not really...maybe it was the guy I left alive at the farm? Nope. The choice to cut off Lee's arm was made to maybe prevent him from going Walker, Also got to see some amazing one armed acrobatics. (I'd probably try to keep the arm next time around).
Well, There's not much to say really...other then the end result. Kenny is apparently dead though you don't see him die so never know, Christa and Omid are alive and out there somewhere and that's who I had Lee send Clem to.
Who was the radio freak? It was the owner of the car back in episode two that we robbed!! It was a serious WTF Moment, I had wondered if I would ever see who the owner was or if it was just left at an abandoned car. After the third episode of nothing I just forgot about the situation... bad idea.
Apparently, You stole this guys stuff from the car while he, his wife and child were out in the woods doing something. When they returned to the empty car the wife went insane and blamed the husband for loosing all their stuff and she took their child and left. Bad Idea.
His wife and child end up dead and this is your fault, He is here to make your life just as terrible as his and he wants Clem to be his substitute daughter. Of course Lee isn't exactly the greatest father figure in the world but, I thought I had him do a pretty good job.
The stranger freak ends up dead... he also has his wifeys zombie head in a bag which he likes to chat with but yea... Uhg.
To the utter end, I let Clem decide what to do with Lee herself. It seems the game actually takes what you've taught her and decide whether to shoot you{Lee} in the head or just leave him there handcuffed to turn into a Zombie.
My Clem shot me in the head, Thank you Darlin'.
After the End Credits you see Clem outside of the city, She sees two people in the distance and I am hoping those two people were Omid and Christa. There's supposed to be a "Second Season", I hope it tells me more about what happened to the characters that I either didn't see die or ran off. Also REALLY hope that I find out what happened to Clem.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Voices of a Distant Star
How: Crunchy
Rating: 4 out of 5
This was about 25 Minutes worth of sad...
Set in the future, It revolves around Mikako and Noboru. Middle school students and friends, Their relationship just blossoming into more... As Noboru is entering High School however Mikako is sent off to join the UN Army to fight Aliens.
Into space she goes, Sending Noboru texts with her cell... the delivery time lengthens the further she gets from earth. With Mikako being in space and Noboru on earth, Her rate of aging slows drastically...
As time goes by at a normal pace on Earth, Noboru grows older having tried and failed to move on with his life he still waits.. In the meantime he joins the Military to hopefully be reunited with Mikako someday.
In the end, Mikako {still 15/16}is over eight light-years from Earth and fighting the Enemy Alien and Noboru has now aged to 24 {+} and from what I gather is hoping to be going to rescue Mikako's group.
It's amazing how much emotion was packed into just 25 minutes... I really would like to think Noboru goes off into space and find Mikako so they can reunite. Even if he is nearly ten years older then her now...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Mirai Nikki
Episodes: 26
How: Fansubs
Rating: 4 out of 5
Summary: This psychological thriller, based on the manga written and illustrated by Sakae Esuno, is about Yuki, a loner who's not very good with people. He prefers to write a diary on his cell phone and talk to his imaginary friend, Deus Ex Machina – The God of Time and Space. However, Yuki soon learns that Deus is more than a figment of his imagination when he makes Yuki participate in a battle royale with eleven others. The contestants are given special diaries that can predict the future, each diary possessing unique features that give it both advantages and disadvantages. Within the next 90 days, the contestants must try to survive until there is only one left standing. The winner will become the new God of Time and Space.
Thoughts: There's a lot going on in this series which is nice, It had very little to no lulls and kept my interest 100% of the time.
It's All Wrapped Up....
Yuno Gasai - Turns out she is another time lines Yuno, In the first timeline she had still stalked Yuki and killed her parents but she won the "Game" not realizing she could not bring Yuki back to life. Stricken by the grief of all she had gone through she time traveled back in time to do it all again... to be with Yuki...
When entering the second timeline she kills her second self, Which is the third body that is found in her house during the current timeline. MurMur has become her familiar and promptly locks away the current timelines MurMur and poses as her with Deus.
Although she knew that people could not be brought back once the game was won, She lead Yuki to believe that it was possible. With this as his motivation she was hoping for Yuki to kill her in the end but it didn't turn out that way.
After Yuki refuses to kill her she pretty much goes all crazy again, Revealing to him what Akise had all ready thought. She had won the game all ready. Third Time Line Time.
Going back to do everything yet again but, This time with Yuki and Ninth following to stop her from killing her Third self. In the end, First Yuno ends up killing herself and Third Line Yuno survives.
Yuki - I had thought he manned up but, This was not entirely the case. After the events with Seventh, his parents and people in general Yuki was determined to become God so that he could rezz those he or others had killed. Of course he didn't think to ask Deus if this was actually possible...
Trodding along all manlike, Akise was the one who thought to ask Deus about the possibility of rezzing those who died. The answer was negative. Even though all of Yuki's friends were telling him that it was not possible... Hinata, Mao, Kise and even Kousaka... He killed them. Believing Yuno who was lying from the start.
I did like how Yuki finally warmed up to Yuno, Even though she was an uber psycho that drugged and locked him up and...oh lets just forget all that. After saving the third Time lines Yuno, With the First Timeline Yuno killing herself he becomes the Second time lines God.
God of Nothing, He and his MurMur sit in Darkness.
Ninth - She didn't really die! In terms of the game she died but, Just as she was about to be blown up Deus yanked her out of the timeline. He knew of the fake MurMur and bestowed on Ninth half of his remaining power, She shows up near the end and "saves" Yuki from the 1st Yuno and MurMur and is also the one who brings them back in time to save the 3rd Yuno.
While in the third timeline she calls Fourth and tells him about his son being sick so that the doctors can catch it in time, She fights fairly evenly with 1st MurMur and meets up with the third lines Nishijima. Happy End for Ninth!!
Aru Akise - Yuki's friend and schoolmate. I almost didn't mention this guy really, It's an odd one... At first he was mistaken for a Diary holder but that was not the case. Then it turns out he's a plant from Deus to observe everything for him and he nearly was taken back {killed}, Deus said if he could tell him one thing that he did on his own that he'd be saved... That one thing was the fact he claimed a future diary or something like that.
He is certainly the "smart" one out of the group {Besides Yuno}, He's the one who figured out Yuno had all ready won the game and was manipulating Yuki. In the end none of this helps him though, He dies.
He also likes to flirt with Yuki, Which pissing Yuno off.
The End: It was pretty good, Certainly if I pretend like I didn't see the after credit message. The first timeline is apparently "gone" with Yunos death, The second is gone because Yuki went back to being a pathetic excuse for a male and the third is where all the happy is.
With the Yuno/Yuki/Ninth disruption in the Third Timeline it throws everyone's future off. For the better.
2nd Ninth - Stays in the third timeline and has babies with third Nishijima, While her third self is still doing what she does best.
Fourth - His son was saved.
Third & Twelfth - Twelfth captures Third and is seen visiting him in prison. Without the eyeball on his head.
Seventh - Ai is pregnant, Seen at a cafe with Marco.
Fifth - At park with his parents who never died.
Sixth - Her parents never died and apparently the "Cult" never went evil.
Elventh & Eighth - Are Dating!
Tenth - His daughter {Hinata} is taking interest in his dogs and he is taking interest in her.
Second - Yuno Third World, Her parents have gotten help and by the looks of it don't treat her like they did in the other timelines. She's not stalking Yuki but seems to think something is missing.
First - Yuki, His parents are still together and he's apparently dating the girl he liked in the other timeline.
All is Happy.
At the very end, 2nd Yuki's phone changes... Instead Yuno has Died it says Yuno came to see me. I really would like to just forget about that and say he's just brooding alone in the darkness till he sucks it up.
Favorite Character{s}:
Eighth - Her character design is just so cool. I have no idea how anyone could kill the plump little orphan loving woman.
Seventh - Both of them, Perfect couple and at least Ai's back story is just so sad. They deserved a happy end more then most.
Least Favorite Character{s}: Yuki; He had his moments but I just cannot stand him.
Favorite Episode{s}: Episode 5 - Twelfths power ranger thing was just... X_x
Episode 6 - Yuno meets Yuki's mother.
Least Favorite Episode{s}: None, They all held my attention and were quite entertaining.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Mirai Nikki 15 - 26
Thoughts; I've still not figured out just how I want to do these long series, My memory kinda sucks so I think I want to break them down into half way points or when the show seems to come to a nice temp stopping point.
Who is Dead: Third, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Twelfth.
Who's "new"....
Seventh - Ai Mikami and Marco Ikusaba - The Exchange Diaries - They report each others immediate future. At first they were using "Apprentice" Diaries but later revealed that they were true Diary users. The two of them are a couple, Both orphans that had been abandoned by their parents as children.
When attacking recently reunited Yuki and Yuno at Kousaka's house they end up stealing their diaries after Yuno is utterly beaten up by the combination of the twos attacks. Marco gives Yuki an earful for being so pathetic... hiding behind a girl.
I guess they were using the phones to gain information since they didn't just snap the things, They did see that Yuki's father was working with Eleventh and sadly ended up dead after they demanded a meeting with the father, Yuki and Yuno.
Eighth - Kamado Ueshita - I love this woman! She is so strange looking and you really just wanna hug her. She runs the orphanage named "Mothers Home" and her Diary is a Blog server of sorts. Renting out space to users they can eventually become Apprentice Diary holders. Most her kids seem to have them.
Before her death Eleventh was trying to have her Orphanage torn down, That way he could get her Blog Diary for himself. This woman should have never died but... While teaming up with Yuki and Yuno to take down Eleventh she and her kids are betrayed.
Oddly though, Eleventh saves her from death..or not so oddly he still wants to use her Diary for his plots. In the end though she dies by Yuno's hand, Trapped under fallen rocks she stabs her. :(
Eleventh - John Bacchus - It's the Mayor!! - He holds the Watcher Diary, It can see entries from other Diary Users but can't decipher if their true or not. This guy just deserved to die, He wanted to hook up Eighths blog diary to a super server and make the entire city "Apprentice" Diary users. Actually, He did hook it up but Ninth blew up part of the super computer causing not all of the city to connect.
In the end, While running from First and Ninth he locks himself in a bank vault that was once owned by Yuno's parents. Thinking Yuno wasn't the "real" Yuno he believed that noone could open the vault... he was wrong. Killed by Yuno.
Non Diary Users
Rea Amano - Yuki's mother, Very understanding mother. She is rarely at home due to her job being a video game programmer. She met Yuno in episode six and seems to very much approve of the relationship, Even so much as to show Yuno, Yukis baby pictures.
She's really not in the series much and in episode 17 she is killed by Yuki's father when she attempts to bring him to the police after he abandons his son and Yuno in the falling tower.
Kurou Amano - Yuki's father, He doesn't show up until episode 16 while Yuki is in the hospital after his encounter with Seventh. He gets a little, perverted with "Nurse Ninth" and trains along side of Yuki with the bet that if Yuki does better that he will do what Yuki wants, Which is to get back together with his mother.
Poor Naive Yuki. His father is a real shithead, He's gotten himself into major debt and is just there to destroy Yuki's cell phone. Of course he doesn't realize this will kill his son but I doubt he'd care if he did know..
Seventh becomes interested in him when they find out {through the phones} that Kurou is working with Eleventh meaning he knows who he is. Having gone with Yuno and Yuki to meet Seventh at the tower he steals the only working parachute the kids have and escapes the crumbling structure, On the ground he runs into his ex-wife and...stabs her.
Later while trying to make amends with Yuki he is stabbed/killed by Elevenths men.
Masumi Nishijima - Chief Investigator - He takes over once Fourth dies, He's not a Diary user but has a past with Ninth. He tried to arrest Ninth a while back while she was running from Third, There she got away and now they are somehow reunited.
It's not explained why but Nishijima falls in love with Ninth or maybe it can't be explained, He takes her side while she's after Eleventh and while she, Hinata and the others are going after what remains of the Server and Eleventh himself he proposes to her.
Before they can even get out of the building however, He's shot to death while protecting Ninth.
Hinata, Kousaka and Mao - Yuki's friends - They end up being killed by Yuki himself during his crazy stage. Before their deaths they helped him go against the other Diary users.
Updates -
Ninth - She ends up falling for Masumi Nishijima with whom she's had a past, Even accepts his proposal before he is killed while protecting her. She herself ends up "dying" during the siege on Elevenths building, She used the bomb that she has attached to her heart to try to open the Vaults door in which Elevnth is hiding.
Everybody's Dead. Maybe.
Monday, March 4, 2013
February ~ 28 Days of Stuff.
I didn't do so well with posting things this month, Oh well.
It was a Birthday Shopping month, My dad's birthday that is. I do like shopping for other people but he has to be one of the most difficult people to shop for. He never really "wants" anything... For that matter all he wanted was some Flannel Shirts and a Trans-Siberian CD.
So, That's what he got.
Swear he'd be happy with just the cake but, In ways I am pretty happy with a cake too, Love the Cakey! Anyways... On to the unimportant stuff...
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia ~ Used from GameStop, This was very surprising to see at one of my local stores. Most the time I have terrible luck when looking for used Playstation 2 games in the store. The last time I saw this game the disc was so badly damaged the GameStop employee advised me not to buy it... So I didn't.
Now with this one, The Disc is in near perfect condition and there's the original box and manual.

Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica ~ This gave me an OMG Moment, It's funny how excited I can be over finding two games I'm looking for in good condition and at a reasonable price. At the same GameStop that I found Ar Tonelico 1 there sat number 2... So, I grabbed them both.
Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off, Made these the cheapest I've ever seen these Playstation 2 Goodies. Even with this one having a "Game Breaking" Glitch somewhere hiding inside I'm quite satisfied with the purchase.

Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland ~ Waiting, Waiting, Waiting. This game was pesky, It refused to go down in price and via unusual means I had all ready did a quick play through of the game and knew I wasn't about to go full price on this. Come to think of it, I wouldn't go full price on any of the Atelier games... They are fun to play and all but... yea.. Not worth the 50 Dollar Price.
I had been set to buy it New for 35 Dollars but, Every GameStop I had went to did not have the Artbook that came with every Standard Edition of the game. How can they sell it New without the book? So, I waited.
Think it was the beginning of February that the used price dropped below 30, With only 1 used Copy in the area I bobbled over to the store and grabbed it. Strangely enough, This used copy actually game with the ArtBook...
Now I just have to go through Totori a few times.
Network Purchases; Everything was Free!
Quantum Conundrum was the first one to download, It was supposed to be free back in Jan. but for some reason the Playstation Store kept trying to charge me for it. They fixed that.
Closure, This is a cute little game. I had tried the Demo months back and was thinking about buying it. Glad I waited.
Ar Tonelico 1 - 15.00
Ar Tonelico 2 - 15.00
Atelier Meruru - 30.00
Total: $60.00
Better then last Month, Still need to cut off at least 30 Dollars for March though.
Birthday & VDay Spending: 150$s
Free Games -
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
It was a Birthday Shopping month, My dad's birthday that is. I do like shopping for other people but he has to be one of the most difficult people to shop for. He never really "wants" anything... For that matter all he wanted was some Flannel Shirts and a Trans-Siberian CD.
So, That's what he got.
Swear he'd be happy with just the cake but, In ways I am pretty happy with a cake too, Love the Cakey! Anyways... On to the unimportant stuff...
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia ~ Used from GameStop, This was very surprising to see at one of my local stores. Most the time I have terrible luck when looking for used Playstation 2 games in the store. The last time I saw this game the disc was so badly damaged the GameStop employee advised me not to buy it... So I didn't.
Now with this one, The Disc is in near perfect condition and there's the original box and manual.
Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica ~ This gave me an OMG Moment, It's funny how excited I can be over finding two games I'm looking for in good condition and at a reasonable price. At the same GameStop that I found Ar Tonelico 1 there sat number 2... So, I grabbed them both.
Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off, Made these the cheapest I've ever seen these Playstation 2 Goodies. Even with this one having a "Game Breaking" Glitch somewhere hiding inside I'm quite satisfied with the purchase.
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland ~ Waiting, Waiting, Waiting. This game was pesky, It refused to go down in price and via unusual means I had all ready did a quick play through of the game and knew I wasn't about to go full price on this. Come to think of it, I wouldn't go full price on any of the Atelier games... They are fun to play and all but... yea.. Not worth the 50 Dollar Price.
I had been set to buy it New for 35 Dollars but, Every GameStop I had went to did not have the Artbook that came with every Standard Edition of the game. How can they sell it New without the book? So, I waited.
Think it was the beginning of February that the used price dropped below 30, With only 1 used Copy in the area I bobbled over to the store and grabbed it. Strangely enough, This used copy actually game with the ArtBook...
Now I just have to go through Totori a few times.
Network Purchases; Everything was Free!
Quantum Conundrum was the first one to download, It was supposed to be free back in Jan. but for some reason the Playstation Store kept trying to charge me for it. They fixed that.
Closure, This is a cute little game. I had tried the Demo months back and was thinking about buying it. Glad I waited.
Ar Tonelico 1 - 15.00
Ar Tonelico 2 - 15.00
Atelier Meruru - 30.00
Total: $60.00
Better then last Month, Still need to cut off at least 30 Dollars for March though.
Birthday & VDay Spending: 150$s
Free Games -
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
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