System: PS3
Bought: June {Free PSN+}
Started: June 26th
Beat: July 9th
July 18th
Trophies: 51 of 51 {No DLC}
Idea: You play as the leader of the Third Street Saints, A gang that is at war with three other gangs and once things get a little out of hand with them; STAG {Special Tactical Anti-Gang} the military like police force lead by Commander Cyrus Temple.
The game takes place in Steelport, where you run around...carjack, shoot, run over, blow up and pretty much do whatever you please until STAG and the Police show up. Then you just stay and fight them or go back to one of your owned stores or houses to get them to go away.
Thoughts: I've never played a Saints Row game before so, I was just dropped into things. It was pretty easy to get the jist of though. You're a gang, oddly not only a gang but you're a famous gang. The Saints have their own line of clothes, energy drinks, a giant Johnny Gat car driving around town. Everything.
The only thing I was really lost on was Johnny Gat, Having not played the other two games I can only base what I see from the first few minutes of the game. He's an extremely loved character who dies....
Anyways, At the beginning of the game you're whole gang plus some obnoxious actor Josh Birk are attempting to rob a bank. Surprisingly enough, All the bank employees suddenly pull out guns and this forces you to hitch the vault up to a helicopter and attempt to steal the money that way. None of this ends well, You're arrested, then taken to some goofy guys plane and then you end up broke in a city controlled by people who are not you. {The Morning Stars, Luchadores and Deckers} Yea, That wasn't much of an explanation.
With Gat dead, You and Shaundi are on your own until your second-in-command pierce gets there. Upon his arrival the three of you go and take over a penthouse owned by The Morning Stars and for the rest of the game... You take over the city and regain the money stolen from you!
The End: This game is just really fucked up, but in a good kind of way. With two endings, I'm not entirely sure which was meant to be the "True Ending". Either way you go, once the game is mostly over all hell breaks loose between the police, STAG and all the gangs. You and yours fight the good fight until you have to make the decision to either save Shaundi, Viola and the Mayor from Kia {the SiC of STAG} or go after and kill Killbane {the new leader of the Syndicate}.
Saving Shaundi has you rushing to the Steelport monument where Kia has the place rigged to explode, Once you save Shaundi and the other two, STAG is forced out of the city and the Saints are seen as heros. You end up going after Killbane in a strange, Mars movie. It was really a little dumb, kind of Star Wars-ish where Killbane claims to be your father before you kill him. Okay. Meh.
Going after Killbane actually gets you a better ending {in my opinion}, Sure your friends and the Mayor get blown up and STAG frames the Saints for it but... You get to shoot down a plane and then fight on a giant airship known as the Daedalus, STAG is destroyed and the city is now yours to do with as you please.
Pierce ends up as the new Mayor, You're the extreme leader and Steelport is a new independent city-state. Shaundi and Viola may be dead, but it's so nice to have your own city.
Shaundi - She dies at the end. Well, At least with my ending she died at the end. She's one of your more popular Homie's, but to me she was kind of irritating. The death of Gat was a real hit to her and she was at first obsessed with killing Phillipe Loren.
Didn't really call her much or maybe not at all, Just used her when she had to be used for the story line.
Pierce - He's kind of useless as a Homie when you call him, he dies fast during the battles which was really annoying. Fame wise he does commercials for the Saints energy drinks and does seem to love playing chess with Oleg.
Oleg - Loved this guy, You first come across him while going after Loren and he's naked... He'd apparently been held captive for years while the Syndicate was trying to Clone him. Luckily it never worked quite right and the clones came out with all of Oleg's strength, but none of his brains. Just giant, annoying killing machines that show up during the fights.
Over 8 Feet tall, he's extremely strong, basically a genius and an ex-member of the KGB.
Kenzie - My favorite character, She's an ex FBI agent/hacker that was framed by the Deckers into looking like she was selling secrets to the Mossad and other stuff. You rescue her from the Deckers who had captured her after her dismissal from the FBI.
Kenzi is a bit of a shut in, paranoid and really mousey. Even though she doesn't really come out she is a very useful member once you have her. At least for going against the Deckers.
Morning Star - The oldest gang in Steelport, They are the first ones you go after in the game and are lead by Phillipe Loren, the DeWynter Sisters and eventually Killbane. Like the other two gangs they are part of the "Syndicate", They are represented by hookerish looking women and suited men walking around on the streets.
Luchadores - A gang of masked wrestlers lead by Killbane, They may be the most annoying gang when it comes to fighting them. When the Specialists show up they shoot at you with these little multi-explosion weapons that just want to make you throw your remote away.
The Deckers - A hacker gang lead by Matt Miller, It felt nice to beat this guy in cyberspace. It was in a virtual reality type world and it was basically his hacking skills vrs. Kenzie's and in the end Kenzie won. In the little world you're a bouncing toilette at first and then, eventually your upgraded to a giant monster thing that destroys "dragon Matt" in the VR world.
Well, I could write about this game all day. There's a lot to do in it from blowing up the city in a tank, to throwing yourself in front of cars for false insurance claims. It's just a really messed up game... You go to BDSM Clubs and even run around the city naked for one of the challenges.
Some of the events are really annoying, Mostly the helicopter parts where you have to protect your homie's care from rival gang members and other helicopters while they drive around the city and do stuff. The Helicopter controls were just, meh. At least for the ones where the rockets didn't lock on...
I probably never would have played this game if it weren't for the PSN. Now, I am really considering getting the Fourth one once it's released the the price drops some. Well, If it's as insane as this one.
The Platinum; This Plat was a huge pain in the ass, The game glitched at me and refused to accept a complete helicopter event and I had to do the damn thing four or five times before it finally popped. The next day, When I first turned in the game and I hadn't even done anything.
Also, for some reason the game started to think it was a Demo and would shut itself off every hour and I would end up loosing completed stuff if I hadn't saved. Of course, I probably could have remedied this by re-downloading and re-installing the game but... I was too lazy to do this.