Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai ~ Haganai.
Episodes: 12
How: Streaming.
Grade: B-
Summary: {From MAL} Hasegawa Kodaka has transferred schools, and he's having a hard time making friends. It doesn't help that his blond hair tends to make people think he's a delinquent. One day, he runs into his bad-tempered solitary classmate Yozora while she's talking animatedly to her imaginary friend Tomo. Realizing that neither of them have any actual friends, they decide that the best way to alter this situation is to form a club and start recruiting.
That is how "Rinjinbu", The Neighbours' Club, was formed, a club specifically designed for people who don't have very many friends. As other lonely classmates slowly join their little club, they'll try to learn how to build friendships through cooking together, playing games, and other group activities. But will this group of relationship-challenged misfits really be able to get along?
How it is.....
So, it's a show about a bunch of outcasts and awkwards coming together to make friends. The entire time they don't seem to realize that the group has made friends, each other. They go out for karaoke, they fight, they make up, they go swimming and of course they flirt with their lone normal male member.
It's a harem show. Other than Yukimura and Sena's random, no name admirers, Kodaka is the only male in the entire show. All the girls {even his sister} drool and fight over him during most of the series.
There's also a long lost childhood friend spin thrown into the mix, of course it was pretty obvious that the little boy from Kodaka's past was actually a girl.... Yozora. It wasn't until the end of episode 11 that Kodaka makes the connection, after Yozora cuts her hair due tot he fireworks incident at the festival. He puts it together.... she had all ready put it together, the first time she saw him and his scary face.
Just so when I get around to watching Season 2, I can come to this and remember things easier...
Kodaka Hasegawa; "Pudding Head" He has a scary face and strange colored hair, this makes it very difficult to make friends in his new school and is part of the reason he joins the Neighbour's Club {the other being Yozora gives him no choice}.
When he was much younger he use to live in the area and had a friend named Sora, some things happened and he had to move away before he could tell Sora he was leaving. Yozora turns out to be "Sora", he seems to like Sena though... It's a triangle! Sort of.
Yozora Mikazuki; Lets face it, she's mean. It's no wonder she has no friends, she's always bullying other kids and not many people could put up with that. She and Sena have "wars" of sort that Yozora is cruel, Sena trys to stick up for herself but, just ends up crying in the end.
The only people that seem immune to her are Rika {she's a perv} and Kobato {who she really hasn't picked on}.
Sena Kashiwazaki: The blond with the huge breasts, extremely popular with the males in the school she still has a lot of trouble making friends. Guys just want to do her and girls hate her because she's so pretty.
She's the first member of the club after it's creation, Yozora didn't want her in the club but she was persistant and ended up in it anyways.
Sena's father is the headmaster of the school, he also seems to know Kodaka's father and is the reason he was accepted into the school. She brings Kodaka home to meet her father so that he may thank him for helping him.... In the process it seems her father sort of likes Kodaka and I get the feel he wants him with his daughter.
Kobato Hasegawa: Kodaka's younger sister, she's an Otaku of sorts... she dresses up as a character from the Anime Full Metal Necromancer and tends to be in Cosplay mode at all times. She has a bit of a bro-con as well.... getting extremely jealous of his relationship with Maria.
Even though she's in Middle School she joins the "Neighbors Club".
Yukimura Kusunoki; The other male, sort of.... He comes to the club because he admires Kodaka's manlieness and wishes to learn from him. For some reason {Yozora} he's always dressed in girls clothing....
Rika Shigume: A genious basically... she spends her days inventing things instead of going to class and the school is just fine with that. She's also quite the pervert, throwing sexual things out there at any given opportunity.
She's a fujoshi, fantasizing about Yukimura and Kodaka quite frequently.... or in between her making sexual advances on pretty much everyone in the club.
Maria Takayama; She's a rude. kind of annoying 10 year old that lives in junk food until Kodaka comes along.
Somehow she's a nun and "teacher" at the school. Yozora tricks....bully's her into becoming the supervisor for the Neighbor's Club. Being just 10 years old at least she's not trying to date Kodaka, it's more of a big brother relationship that really gets Kobato upset when she finds out about her.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Knights of Ramune
Episodes: 6
How: Netflix {Rental}
Grade: D-
Summary: {From MAL} To save the galaxy from impending doom, Cacao and Parfait are sent on a mission through time and space to retrieve the Fourth Warrior, Lamunes.
Unfortunately, Cacao and Parfait discover Lamunes at the helm of the marauding Giga Genos invasion fleet. World by world, Lamunes is determined to bring the entire galaxy under his tyrannical heel. With the help of a plicky orphan, it's up to Cacao and Parfait to stop Lamunes from taking over the world.
How it is.....
This show was bad, really, really bad. The only thing saving it from an F grade is the fact that I've always been strangely addicted to the opening song. This wasn't the first time I watched this, but I must have blocked it from my mind from back when I was a teenager.... it is really THAT bad.
Apparently the actual name for this part of the show, which is an OVA Series is VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fresh. Yea, that doesn't sound stupid at all. Meh.
I'll be honest, this show completely and utterly confused me. I won't even try to go into the show, there was basically nothing to explain anything besides the fact the two chicks who were naked quite a bit were virgin preistess for some psychopath that was trolling around the universe in a spaceship doing bad shit. Oh, there was an insane robot woman that helped the crazy man as well...
There was also some random orphan, captive, something or other that Parfait and Cocao picked up named Lemon that ended up being Lamune too or something... it was all screwed up and really the show was just made for Fanservice.
Oh! This was also one of the few shows that the voice actors really sucked for both... English and Japanese, it was as though they weren't even trying. These OVAs should have never been released!
Apparently there is a TV Show for this series as well, was made long,long before this piece of crap OVA. It was never licensed and really, I doubt I could find it... but if I feel bored sometimes maybe I will go poking around for it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Doki-Doki Universe
System: PS3
Bought: July Free Game.
Started: July 13th
Beat: July 24th
Trophies: 14 of 14
Idea: You're an obsolete robot that was on recall from it's manufacturer, instead of being sent back to the factory to be destroyed the family that owned you just dropped you and a Red Balloon off on this tiny rock in the middle of space.
30 or so years have passed and a little green alien happens by you, he picks you and Balloon up and informs you that you need to find your humanity or he'll have to bring you back to the manufacturer to be... destroyed or something.
You can ride on a pile of Doo...... |
Thoughts: At first, the game is pretty fun... as Robot you go from planet to planet collecting items that you just randomly find on the ground or hidden behind objects, these items you can make magically appear for people when they ask for them. As you talk to and help people you're learning about different parts of humanity. Jealousy, Pride, Love, Hate.
After about the fifth planet {for me}, it gets very repetive. It's the same thing, over and over.. just with different stories. People have problems or they just want stuff and using your Robot abilities you get them the stuff they want. I only kept on because I wanted to see the end and I guess the stories themselves were pretty good.
My type of talking Sushi. ^_^ |
Monday, October 6, 2014
My Late Birthday.
My birthday is kind of strange, I tend to just get stuff for myself during the month of July and call it a day. My dad doesn't know much about Anime, Manga or Games so, it's either that or give him a list that sometimes confuses the hell out of him.
It started in early July this year, The Guided Fate Paradox was down to a reasonable price new at Gamestop so I snatched it up. Bam! Video game! It game with a CD so, I was quite the happy gamer since that was the main reason I was getting the game to begin with, The Music.
I knew next to nothing about this game and after putting it in the playstation, I was a little confused. More of that on my review of the game, whenever I am reasonably finished with it...
The end of July, Half Priced Books sends out these 50% off coupons around the final weeks of July. They have for a couple years now and this year did not disappoint. I tend to get there near the end of the day and it's questionable if I will find anything or not... Last year was the Assassin's Creeds games... this year?
Magic Knight Rayearth Season 2. Yey! Of course I didn't have Season 1 yet. :(
Birthday. Like I said, I am confusing to buy for, but somehow the dad found and bought Magic Knight Rayearth Season 1 for me. That solved the whole only having Season 2 thing, now I just have to decide if I want to hunt down the OVAs.
Another item on the Birthday was, a new Digital Camera... The old one broke at the Louisville Zoo about a month and a half earlier, which really sucked. This new Camera was broken out of the box, which also sucked.. We returned it to Walmart and then I decided to give the same camera a second try and ordered a new one of the same type from their website...
A couple weeks later, a new working camera. Yey!
In September, yes... September. We of course went to the Cincinatti Zoo because.. well.. I'm extremely immature and just want to go see animals as a birthday thing. No bars, no partying, just me and the Zoo.
Last year we went in October, that was just a terrible, terrible mistake. The Halloween party at the Zoo made for an awful time of dodging tiny people dressed up as strange creatures. We also went on a Saturday instead of a Sunday, didn't have to battle the Bengals crowd going to the football games.
All in all it was a pretty nice birthday, nothing amazing but, then... I'm sort of boring and easy to please. Give me a chocolate cake and really, I don't need much else. haha Oh my... How did I forget.. There's also this guy! My new husband, the only man I will ever need...
Everything |
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Three Months of Spending.... or Not.
Well.... Yea, I completely didn't update this thing for three months. I didn't die or anything, just... Summer is well... Summer. Plants to take care of and random stuff to do, I'm also a {major} bit of a procrastinator.
Sadly, I did nothing productive all Summer. I suck. Granted, the car kept breaking so learning to drive with a broken care doesn't really work. Just over a thousand dollars in repairs to my little blueberry and I just hope it can hold out till I do get around to learning to drive it. Trying to drive a newer car would be far too nerve wrecking.
At the end of July, one of my Aunts died.... not that close to the family in general, but it still sucks. My birthday was in August, I'm a year older...meh. So, Boring Summer much. Guess it's better then an active bad Summer, next Summer I should actually do something... like go to an Anime Convention or... I dunno.
Anyways, I still kept up with what I bought... not that it was much. I'll put my "birthday haul" in another post, that way I can get another post..
Bride of the Water God 15 - I really need to read this series, haven't actually read anymore after book five or so because I wanted to get a decent amount of books to read at once. Now, I certainly have a decent amount of books.. haha.
This is the only physical item I "bought" that wasn't considered part of my birthday haul. What made it not part of it? I ordered it in June.
Network Purchases; Bought three games, all on a single sale and all PSX games.. Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon and Harvest Moon. There grows my backlog of games..
Free Games...
Encompassing three months you'd think there would be a ton of them, but not really..... July, August and September were all sort of "Meh" on the game front...
DokiDoki Universe: A July free game, I downloaded this as soon as I possibly could.. it looked fun and it turned out to be... amusing yet repetitive. I'll be writing up something on it soon, I hope.
Dragons Crown: An August game, THE August game. I've been wanting to try this out since it's release and just didn't want to pay for it. Glad I didn't buy it, it's okay... haven't actually beat it yet but yea.. It's okay.
FEZ: Another August game that I downloaded near the end of the month, just before the September switch. It's..... different... maybe a little aggravating. I'm really not sure how far I'll be getting into it.
HOARD: The most addictive game known to mankind! Well, maybe not.. but, I never thought flying around as a lil dragon and destroying stuff would be so satisfying. It could almost be stress relief...
Free stuff I claimed, but haven't played...
Dead Space 3
Bride of the Water God 15 - 5.29
Harvest Moon - .99
Wild Arms- .99
Legend of Dragoon- .99
Total - 8. 26
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Hitman Absolution
Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection
Galga Legions DX
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
ibb & obb
Borderlands 2
DMC: Devil May Cry
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
BioShock Infinite
Remember Me
PayDay 2
Tomb Raider
Lone Survivor
Thomas Was Alone
Castle of Illusion
Skullgirls Encore
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Doki Doki Universe
Dragon's Crown
Dead Space 3
Crysis 3
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Space ~ It's not what I want.
Well, Okay. It's all ready October and I haven't published anything since the 15th of July, Whoops. I don't want all these months having nothing in them so, I'll just post space taking pictures..
Yes, I'll start up again now that it's October and the weather is getting a little less... Friendly.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs.
Episodes: 13
How: Netflix {Rental}
Grade: A
Summary: {From MAL} Amawa Hibiki is a young man just out of college, with an education to be an athletics teacher. He's been having a hard time finding a job since he graduated, so all his money has gone towards living expenses. When his landlady demands his first payment to live in her living establishment upfront, he heads to the local middle school to get hired as a teacher. However, the principal refuses to hire him without hesitation. She will not hire men as teachers and makes it clear that she hates all men, saying they put no love into their passions and work. Amawa does not give up and with the help of his landlady, he crossdresses as a woman without a second thought, and gets hired, so he can earn money and also prove the principal wrong. Now, he has to keep his real gender a secret, and avoid strange situations, including the affections of his students (from both genders).
How it is....
This was actually the second time I watched this series, the first was quite a while ago and I had basically forgotten everything about it. Well, other then Hibiki's dog always being in fear of being turned into dinner.
At first glance this series is really a normal, school comedy with a few perverts thrown in. By the end however it was quite touching...
After being denied the gym teacher spot at the school by the man hating principal and vice principal, Hibiki goes back to apply for the job in drag. As a female gym teacher he proves himself worthy of the position by "coaching" the clumsiest student in the school to run a few meters.
Her coaching has an unexpected side effect however, the student Fuko Kuzuha falls in love with Hibiki... it builds and builds throughout the episodes as Fuko ends up in Hibiki's home room, Hibiki sticks up for Fuko and helps her with other gym related things.
It's an innocent, confusing love for Fuko, at first not even realizing it is love but... by the end she confesses to Hibiki which leaves the teacher a little...flustered. Maybe Hibiki has also gotten a little too close to Fuko through the weeks or months of teaching.
There's also quite a bit of other love stories going on, in the normal school based anime fashion. Fujio likes Akira, Akira like Fuko, Fuko doesn't like Akira in that way and it's just a little messy. Also, in a normal school comedy fashion there are two perverted male adults who are always trying to get pictures of the girls in uniforms or just Fuko in general. This show is very Fukocentric.
In the end, after numerous attempts; the vice principal gets her proof of Hibiki being a male and exposes him to the entire school. Everyone is in shock and at first thinking he's just another one of the perverts living at the Gochiso apartments the students and everyone shun him, the male him and the female him.
His faking the female role also fuels the Principal and Vice Principals argument that the school itself should go female only and they attempt to use the situation to get the parents and students to agree that there would be no more male students accepted to the school. This however backfires when Fuko and the other students start to remember all the good times they had with Hibiki as a teacher, how much he cared about them and helped them with things. The motion to turn the school into girls only is denied and...all is happy. Sort of.
Hibiki gives a touching speech from atop of Gochiso and then he gets on a train to leave, Fuko and company chase after him and just wave him goodbye's as he goes.
In other news, it turns out that the Principal hates males so much because she was hurt by one {go figure}. It's also hinted that the Gochiso landlady is actually the man who broke the Principal's heart.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Ninja Cadets
Episodes: 2
How: Netflix Rental
Grade: C-
Summary: {MAL}During Japan's feudal era, there was a war between two ninja clans: the Byakuro and the Kabusu. One night, the Kabusu staged a fierce attack on the Byakuro castle in hopes of kidnapping the clan's infant princess. Their mission was foiled when a loyal ninja of the Byakuro flees the attack with the princess and disappears, eventually raising her to be a ninja. Several years later, six ninja trainees are given a mission to infiltrate the Kabusu-occupied Byakuro castle and retrieve a sacred scroll to complete their training. But their skills are put to the test when they encounter three members of the Kabusu, who use dark sorcery in an attempt to once again capture the princess - who happens to be one of the trainees.
How it is.......
The only reason this show gets a C is, I wish there were more episodes. It's REALLY incomplete and left me with too many questions...
Really, above states it all... the six students going on their first mission get attacked by members of the Kabusu clan who are still going after the Princess. They aren't entirely sure which girl in the princess, only going by the fact she has a scar on her shoulder or was it her back? I don't entirely remember.
Anyways, the characters were pretty much...cliches. Matsuri, is the hot bodied, fighter chick who is afraid of frogs: Hayashi, the quiet guy who gets bossed around by Matsuri and is talented in his own right: Pochi, the relatively useful yet young guy who hangs around Sakura: Sakura, the sword wielding, main character type girl: Kaoru, the dependable, older looking male of the bunch who is supposed to be the protecting the princess at all costs and Yume, the relatively useless, quiet girl who seems to be a better cook then anything.
Nothing new there.
The bad guys believe Sakura is the princess and with her use of the scrolls that they were going to get at the Byakuro Castle, who knows.. she just might be. Yume and Kaoru are made into slaves by the main female Kabusu ninja {her name escapes me}, using some sort of spell to force the two to fight the other four and help them capture Sakura. Which fails.
Kaoru is not actually under the spell of course, just faking it to stay close to Yume who he seems to think is the Princess. Uhg, I am not really sure which one is the Princess. Sakura or Yume are both pretty obvious, but it would be a real shocker if it were Matsuri...Nah.
The end is just the four students dragging themselves out of the rubble of what was once the Byakuro castle. Yume, Kaoru and the bad guys are all gone and......
Nice Start.
Too bad there's not more.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The Secret World of Arrietty
How: Netflix {Rental}
Grade: B
Thoughts: Maybe I am just not cut out to watch Miyazaki stuff, I've found most of the movies just "okay". They are all very nice to look at of course, but some of them are just kill me now boring. Now with that in mind... I'll go on with this.
This movie has a Borrowers feel to it, for obvious reasons... he was obviously working off that idea when the movie was made. Anyways...
It's summer time and a young boy named Shou moves to the countryside to stay with his aunt while he's preparing for heart surgery. During his stay, he meets Arrietty.. It was an accident really, she was on her first outing with her father when he saw her. Then he slowly coaxes her out into the "open" to speak with him and even befriend him.
The plot is really simple actually, since Arrietty was seen by a human the family now has to move to a different house. Even though Shou is pretty harmless there's a maid like woman who I forgot the name of is a bit on the crazy side... she's bent on finding the little people and proving she's not insane.
During the movie she captures Arrietty's mother Pod and puts her in a jar to show to Shou's Aunt and whoever else is around to see. With the help of Shou, Pod is rescued and the Borrower family ends up moving out.
It's actually a lot more heart warming then I can make it sound, Shou obviously cares for Arrietty and even tells her about his heart condition and the surgery that probably won't work. Saying that the Borrowers fight for survival has motivated him to have the courage to have and live through the operation....
Which he does and Arrietty and her family also find a new house to live in, hopefully undetected.
Gotta love the cat, at least he never eats any of the Borrowers. Though I am sure he'd like to....
The guy is Spiller, he's a Borrower that shows up at the house that tells Arrietty and her family that there are still Borrowers alive out there.... Maybe a love interest for Arrietty in the future.
What are Borrowers? I never actually read the books, just heard about them in passing and all. Borrowers are tiny people that live in the walls and under the floorboards of houses. They try not to be seen by humans and only take items that won't be missed or could just be considered misplaced.
Yep, that's it....
Thursday, July 3, 2014
June - Better than last year.
This month went by way too fast.....
The weather was nice..... Things were a little boring. Plants are doing fine...for the most part. Just... boring I guess. That's okay, compared to last June. Anyways, did go to the Greek Festival downtown to get my favorite.. Spinach Pies!
Now for what was bought.... Not a lot.
Natsume Book of Friends 15 - I'm all caught up! Finally! This one has taken a while to catch up on seeing I started so far into it's release and they don't sell it in the stores around here. Kind of makes me miss Borders, they always stocked this series but that was before I started buying it...
I forgot.....
Network Purchases ; Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning DLCs. Both of them, they were on sale... I'd say finally, but apparently I missed them the first time they were on sale. Of course now that it's been around 2 years since I played it, I had to restart it to get into the grove of things... heh.
Free Games....
I said last month was dead, must have been right..... this month was rotting in the grave. One pick up..
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- I haven't played it yet but...it's sitting there..waiting to be downloaded. Kind of a big download and my harddrive isn't that big...yet. Need to do something about that.
Natsume Book of Friends 15 - 7.34
Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning DLCs - 9.98
Natsume Book of Friends 16 - 5.29
Total: 22. 61
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Hitman Absolution
Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection
Galga Legions DX
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
ibb & obb
Borderlands 2
DMC: Devil May Cry
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
BioShock Infinite
Remember Me
PayDay 2
Tomb Raider
Lone Survivor
Thomas Was Alone
Castle of Illusion
Skullgirls Encore
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Thursday, June 12, 2014
How: Netflix Rental
Grade: A+
Thoughts: It took me too long to watch this.
Satasuki and Mei move to the countryside with their father while their mother is in the hospital recovering from some mystery illness. Mei {the younger} goes off exploring and finds a large tree god Totoro sleeping under the nearby Camphor tree.
At first her sister doesn't quite believe her, but one night while waiting for their father's bus back from work Totoro bounds up and stands beside them.
There's really not much to the movie, it shows them dealing with their mother not being there and taking care of one another while their father is at work. The little boy down the road seems to have a bit of a crush on Satasuki, but tries to hide it.
The end event is Mei attempting to get into town by herself to see her sick mother who was supposed to be coming home for the weekend, but fell sick once more and had to stay at the hospital. The entire country town is looking for Mei, Satasuki rushing all around to look for her until she finally goes to Totoro for help.
Catbus {a giant cat/bus}aids Satasuki in finding her sister and then brings the two girls to the hospital window to see that their mother was "okay".
The movie is sweet and actually quite short, very much aimed towards little kids... but hey.. it was enjoyable. More so then many longer animated movies.
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