System: PS3
Bought: April 15th
Started: April 15th
Beat: June 5th
Trophies: 7 of 12
Idea: You use plants to decorate and defend your house from an onslaught of Zombies. They want to eat your brains...
Thoughts: I've played this a lot on the computer, buying it on the playstation was just...because it was extremely cheap and I could then waste time with it on the console as well. This was actually the first time I paid for it, having got all the computer versions of it free one way or another.
First area, is your front yard, then it's dark in your front yard and then you go to the backyard..which is a little more annoying since you have a pool that needs protecting. Lillypads in the pool! The nighttime in the backyard with the fog is probably the most annoying parts of the game...
After the yards, the Zombies try to take your roof...maybe it's a bit more challenging because you need pots to plant on the roof but.. I still found the dark, backyard with the fog was far worse.
The game is enjoyable and addictive, it's great to just mess around with and it's pretty relaxing. The further you get in the game the more mini games and such open up, there's even a little area for a garden of sorts...a potted garden consisting of random presents you get while killing the zombies and some may be bought from the weird guy selling stuff out of the back of his truck.
The End: There's really no end,end... Once you defeat the Dr Zomboss on the roof the Sunflower sings as the credits role and then it goes into a New Game Plus type deal. You just replay the game again with all your stuff intact...building up more stuff and money to get the rest of the plants from the weirdo with the truck.
Dr Zomboss is pretty easy, as long as you keep your peppers and frozen shrooms handy. It's one of the convery belt type feeds for your plants instead of the normal plant with sun set ups. It's also the only nighttime battle on the roof....
He's not by himself of course, he's placing down other Zombies and even the stupid bungee types as you battle him. Every now and then he'll throw a bus at you or lean down and spot a fire or ice ball at you... Just takes a little time and patience and he's done for.
Note- So, the pictures look a little "meh". I am just too lazy to go find better looking ones or spif up these to make the backgrounds look better...