I'm ashamed of myself...
Sort of.
Lets just get to it.
The Betrayal Knows My Name Vol. 5: I love this series, I loved this series before Yen Press actually
started releasing it. Of course it's in Omnibus format so it has caught up with the Japanese release a little too fast.
Mind you, Volume 6 is set to release in September which is great... after that though I am fairly certain it's going to be quite a while before Volume 7. Just hope nothing bad happens to Yen Press during this time, You know... like going out of business or going digital only. Uhg, I shouldn't be thinking so negatively.
I need to find the time to sit and read all five volumes one after another... Then I can "talk" about them more.
Peacemaker The Complete Collection: Peacemaker Kurogane, It's the hard white box from ADV with the thin cases. Found it at Half Price Books when I had a 50% off coupon, I had been looking at the Funi release at RightStuf for a while but... never bit due to the fugly box.
I've never actually watched this entire show, The main thing I even remember about it is... The Pig.
RG Veda: Another one of those that I'd been watching on Amazon, Best price used in a condition that I'd consider reasonable was pretty high. Saw this at Half Price Books and grabbed it... When I got it home I noticed a couple days later that the back cover has a squish hole in it. Booooo, Oh well. It was super cheap.
Darksiders 2: I was a little stupid on this one, Best Buy had a clearance sale going for the game and I dragged my feet. By the time I decided to get it 100%, It was sold out online and wasn't in a single store in the area.
With Amazon and GameStop wanting absurd prices for the game, I turned to Ebay and found a very nice seller who had it at just a few dollars more then Best Buy. He had quite a few copies too, Which made me wonder if he just hit up all the Best Buys in the area and then resold them all. Oh Well.
The shipping price was reasonable and I got in a few days later, Now I just hope it's at least as good as the first one since I absolutely loved War.
Network Purchases: PSN had a sale on The Walking Dead, I had been wanting this game for a while but never wanted to pay full price. With the Plus Membership it went down even more...
Joe Danger 2: The Movie, I'll admit... This looks stupid as hell. I did however download it, Have yet to play it though. Will get back to that..
Spec. Ops: The Line, Why the hell did I down this? I suck at shooters and this just proves it, Now it's on my trophy list and..Grrrr. At least it was free.
The Cave, Another I have downloaded and have yet to play.
The Betrayal Knows My Name 5 - 9.58
Peacemaker - 10.60
RG Veda - 5.30
Darksiders 2 - 20.00
The Walking Dead - 9.79
Total; $55.27
Considering the money I saved, I guess the total isn't bad. I am really disappointed in myself for not staying in the 20 dollar range. It is at least cheaper then last month.....by a little.
Easter Buying was also in this month, Which I didn't add into the post. I'm guessing it came out around 25 Dollars when everything was found and bout. Easter Candy is Not Cheap, Even when just buying for one person.
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave