Alternate Title: I hate some of these Trophies..
Bought: June 4th 2012
Beat: July 4th 2012 {Normal Ending}
Beat: July 16th 2012 {Game Over}
Beat: July 17th 2012 {Cordelia Ending}
Beat: July 19th 2012 {True Ending}
Beat:: April 12th 2013 {Gio,Tantris,Iksel,Sterk,Lionela}
Beat:: April 14th 2013 {Astrid}
Beat: April 18th 2013 {Adventurer}
Beat: April 19th 2013 {Good,Bad}
Beat: April 25th 2013 {Rich}
Beat: April 29th 2013 {Pie}
Beat: April 29th 2013 Complete.
Trophies: 53 of 53
Fourth Platinum!
Thoughts: The Totori Platinum was much, much easier. For some annoying reason the Pie Ending would just not trigger on my Rich games save, No matter what I did. So, I did an uber speed run from hell and just got all of Iksel's events with a True Ending and all the Pies made.
This gave me the Pie Ending!!
Anyways, The last play through was actually rather enjoyable with just having to worry about Iksel's flags and getting the Pie stuff. Pretty much ignored everyone else...
Certain parts of the game itself really stuck out after having played Totori for such a long time, Like needing the items in the basket when you go to turn them in. Yea, I could have done without that. Continuously going back to the Workshop for the items was a real pain in the ass...
The time restraints were much nicer though, Seeing you didn't spend any "time" while fighting monsters or while gathering. Of course if you didn't spend time while doing this stuff in Totori the game would have lasted FOREVER.
I did find myself getting a little bored sometimes, After exploring the opened areas, getting all my stars and crafting the same stuff over and over again. I just didn't really have much to do... But sleep till the end of the assignment.
Characters: Endings.
Astrid Zexus- Her ending was easy to get, You just had to trigger pretty much everything plus the True Ending. As always Astrid leaves town at the end of the game leaving Rorona to handle the workshop alone with Hom. The difference? She comes back.
Astrid returns to the village to open a rival shop, She certainly didn't get the reaction she wanted though when Rorona breaks down, hugs and cries on her.
Iksel Jahn- His ending needed the "Good" low stars but high popularity. After blowing up her workshop quite a few times, Iksel throws the idea at her to come with at his cafe. During the end she puts Hagel to sleep with one of her creations.
Sterkenburg Cranach - Again, Rorona has blown up her workshop 19 times in the past two months. This time she's talking to Sterk though... Apparently Astrid asked Sterk to watch over Rorona and with all of her messes. He decides to move into the workshop with her. Awww... It's difficult for her to concentrate with him hovering around of course.
Meanwhile in the Castle, Tantris or really Tristan is preparing for his first day in training to become the Minister. Running into Esty she tells him that Rorona was leaving so... Out he goes, Leaving a letter saying "I can't do this." for his father.
Outside of Town, Rorona and Hom run into Tristan as they are sneaking out of town.
I didn't like Tristan much the first times I played this game but, After this go around he really did grow on me and he seems to be more Rorona's age then Sterk.
Lionela - So, She does have magic and all but.. the talking puppets are actually her speaking for them. She was lonely and made them "come alive" to keep her company. To get her ending you have to fix her puppets that apparently broke when subconsciously she started to believe that she no longer needed them.
She does need them though and when they stopped "talking" she freaked out, Not really realizing that she was the one who was making them chatter to begin with. Well, Rorona or should I say Astrid fixes them by making Lionela remember that it is her that was bringing them to life.
Her ending starts pretty much the same as Tristans but, She leaves with Lionela instead of him and she and Rorona end up having to preform for money. Meh.
Gio - The King of Arland, Rorona finally finds this out when you go out with him to fight the Bandits that had been terrorizing people. It turns out that the current Minister was supplying them with bombs and such for some reason.
After the fight with the Bandits Sterk shows up and scolds both Rorona and the King, While doing so he lets it slip that he is in fact the King and Rorona only freaks out a little.
His ending is cute, Rorona becomes the Royal Alchemist and he's always sneaking off to see her and running off with her. He makes it quite clear that he'd like Rorona to become his Queen but... She's oblivious to this.
Pervy Old King, The image of him hiding in her cauldron is quite adorable though.
Good Ending - True Ending - Bad Ending - Normal Ending - So Forth - All were sort of generic but go figure, There were some funny moments but... I won't be going into that.
Rich Ending - This was amusing, Rorona got so much money by the end of the game she never had to work again. She was literally laying in her money piles while Hom was asking her when she was planning to work again.
Pie Ending - Bored with Alchemy Rorona turns to her one true love, PIES! This ending was a pain in the ass to get, It glitched or something and I had to redo the entire game. Anyways, Instead of keeping her Alchemy Shop open she opens a Pie Shop! To Iksel's dismay, She is now his competition in town.
Other Stuff- I didn't get it before but, With getting all the shopkeepers Friendships up I got Hagel to come and request a wig from Rorona. This thing turns out looking crazy, Like an Afro even and it's insanely heavy.
After playing Totori I was really kind of wondering if Pam would request a body, Tying it into that game and all but she never did.
Esty,Esty,Esty, The poor woman keeps on about her age and not having a husband. I wish she would just get with Sterk or someone... Maybe make her the Queen she was closer to Gio's age then Rorona.
What now? I'm never, ever, ever going to play this game again. Well, More then likely I won't. I'm happy that I finished it... I am moving onto Tales of Graces F....probably.... if it keeps my attention. It may be a while, A long while before I go to Meruru since I get kind of obsessive about platting these types of games lately.