I just bought one thing with actual money.
Sony was nice enough to give me a free 10 Dollars to use on the Playstation Store but, As for actual buying for entertainment purchases.... One item.
That item was...
They are heavy, Massively heavy. While reading earlier volumes I'd have to take breaks because my wrists started to hurt..
The downside to this release however is the awful Dark Horse logo on the side, What smart person decided to change the logo on currently running series? Seriously, You could have just slapped the new logo on new series or series that only had one other volume released... Uhg.
Now it's all out of whack with the other three.
Though, Anyway... That's all I bought.
Network Purchases: Sony for some reason gave me a free 10 Dollars to play with so... Having been looking at it for sometime and actually wanting to buy it for the Playstation 2.
I bought Fatal Frame.
People have always said this game is scary, Even putting it in their scariest game suggestions. So far? Not really scary. I have been making a point to play it at night with the lights off to see if I can up the scare factor but... other then it being a little creepy it hasn't caused any jumps or starts.
Of course I am only about two hours in.
Malicious, It was a free game and thank goodness it was. It's...strange to say the very least.. It's a game full of bosses. It's one screen for each area with you killing things and the giant boss. I haven't really given it a lot of time but, I have a bad feeling that I will be regretting allowing this thing onto my Trophy List.
Labyrinth Legends, haha, This game is cute. It's addictive. It's kind of irritating at times. Though seriously, It was the best free game I downloaded this month...or maybe even the best free game available this month. Demons Souls was available but, I did not download it and yes... it's more addictive then that.
Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus 4 - $10.79
Fatal Frame - "Free" 10 Dollar PSN Credit.
Total; $10.79
This was a good month, May is looking pretty good too considering there aren't any games I want showing up and I doubt I'll be finding much else to buy. June will be a Fathers Day month so that will be easy on my personal spending as well.
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends