Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Highschool of the Dead
Episodes: 12
How: Netflix
Grade: C+
Summary: {from MAL} A mysterious, lethal disease is on the loose worldwide, resulting in a catastrophic death rate of humanity, and the increasing rise of attacks, caused by the living dead.
In Japan, several high school students and a school nurse have banded together to escape Fujimi High School shortly after it was attacked by zombies. The group now attempts to figure who or what was responsible for this plague, and in the meantime, attempt to survive the present apocalypse.
The story is initially narrated through the eyes of Takashi Komuro, one of the students who had survived in the initial outbreak.
Thoughts: Boobs. Yes, Boobs. Lots of them and they are huge and sometimes naked. There.... I got through that, now that I am past the boobs I can go onto other things.
The first time I attempted to watch this show I couldn't get past the first episode, I'm not sure what changed but this time.. I just marathoned it. 12 Episodes in one night.
There's nothing actually that special about this show, it's just another zombie vrs human situation. Focused on a High School and the struggles the few students who survived are going through to figure out what's going on and what's happened to the rest of their families. Which for the most part you don't find out..
Just another Zombie Show.
Who we have....
Takashi Komuro- He's the first student at the school to figure out something's wrong, He's skipping class on the roof when he see's some of the athletic teachers near the gate coping with some person trying to get into the school. One of the teachers are bit, then he turns into a zombie and so on and so forth.
After seeing this he rushes to Rei's classroom and pretty much drags her out of the room, following closely behind is Hisashi {Rei's boyfriend}. Hisashi doesn't last long which is all well and good, seeing that Takashi is or was in love with Rei at one point.
Anyways, Although it seemed as though Takashi was a slacker in the start he really stepped up throughout the series and really took a leadership type role. Of course he's the one "hot" guy in the mess of things so three out of the four females are going after him with the fourth occasionally making hints.
He's probably the most determined one out of the group to find out what has happened to his parents and really sucks at using guns. Yep, He should just stick with the baseball bat.
Kouta Hirano - I love this guy, favorite character by far. The rather chubby, gun otaku knows pretty much everything about every piece of firearms or military equipment the group has stumbled across. His first weapon in the show was actually a nail gun that he rigged up to have a sight thing..
At first he was running around with Saya, attempting to protect her even though she was a major bitch to him. She's one bossy lady. It seems like a one sided crush seeing that Saya seems obsessed with Takashi, but you never know...
I find him to be much more useful then Takashi in most of the situations, of course he's not really much of a leader but... killing zombies really seems to be his calling.
Saeko Busujima- The president of the school's Kendo club, she makes short work of the Zombies really. She seems to be scared of herself in ways, seeing that a few years before the epidemic she's attacked by a stranger and instead of just laying him out directly she waits...for just the right moment and... beats the shit out of him.
She likes this, loves this even and this fact scares her. It's exhilarating and it's as though she never wants to stop and now... in a way she doesn't have to. Afraid of loosing herself and really, I think it gets her "excited".
Rei Miyamoto- She's been close to Takashi since kindergarten, she even promised to marry him one day. This didn't go quite as planned since Takashi is a bit "meh" on the whole relationship front and she ends up dating one of their friends {Hisashi who is now dead}. The fact they aren't BF/GF doesn't stop her from worrying over Takashi though or getting onto him for doing stupid stuff.
At one point she was in the same grade as Saeko, but due to her father {a police detective} investigating one of her teachers fathers {Shido} the teacher holds her back a year. For no Reason. This causes an everlasting grudge against Shido who is just a skeezer anyways.
Saya Takagi- The "smart" one of the group, a genius or at least she thinks she is. She's the one who likes to point out how other people are stupid or just plain wrong about basically everything. Incredibly irritating at first, but in a strange way she grows on you after a while.
Her father is a high ranking political type who is pretty much by the sword-ish, her mother is very skilled with guns and such herself (a better shot then her father). At first Saya believes her father had forgotten about her in the crisis, but it's her mother and a group of armed militants that save the group from the zombies and bring them to their compound near the end.
Though obviously obsessed with Takashi, Saya has some connection to Kouta.
Shizuka Marikawa- The schools nurse, the ditzy one of the series really. Pretty sure she may have been put into the show for eye candy and comic relief. She's the only adult in the group, her apartment is where the group end up for a while to clean up,rest,eat and load up. Load up being, her roommate is a member of Japan's Special Defense Force... a sniper even. The apartment is loaded with tons of guns and other weapons along with a giant Humvee.
Alice Maresato- How she joins the group is just sad, She and her father are running around on the streets trying to find somewhere safe from the Zombies. They go up to a persons door and her father is knocking and stuff, the people inside tell him to go away and they end up opening the door just to stab him. They left her outside to watch her father die and to die by the zombies.
Uhg, Humans are worse then the Zombies.
Kouta and Takashi witness the happenings and Takashi goes down and saves her, she's the cutest member of the group.
Saya's Parents- Soichiro Takagi and Yuriko Takagi - Soichiro is the sword wielding, leader of the right-wing nationalist group in the district and he's quite the hardass, Yuriko was once a wall street broker and is now the proper wife...well..the proper gun toting wife. She's a better shot then her husband even.
Together they have used their estate to house survivors, until the end where it's overran.
The Asshole - Koichi Shido - This guy's a creepy, pedo, jackass that was responsible for holding Rei back a grade because his father wanted a way to screw with her father. During the chaos he's like some freaky cult leader with some of the other students who he "saved" from the Zombies.
The main group let him and his followers on the bus back at the school, but his being there is what caused Rei to get off the bus and of course Takashi followed. Later the rest of the group leave him with the bus, even after he attempted to keep Shizuka {she's value being a nurse}.
It's at episode 11 where it's revealed why Rei hates him so much when he and what's left of the students he was leading show up at Takagi's mansion. Saya's father allows Rei to decide what she wants to do with Shido and instead of killing him, she decides to let him live. Saya's father then tells him and his tainted students to leave.
The End: What can I see, The end is a Cliffhanger. The US had launched nuclear missiles at multiple countries thinking that the whole Zombie thing was an attack and they needed to protect the country from all the other countries. As the missiles approached the combined navel units of Japan and the US shoot them down, however one is close enough that the EMP burst takes out all the electronic items. Now their in the dark and nothing works.
If that wasn't enough, the Takagi Mansion is now being overrun with Zombies. Saya's father tells the group to leave, most of them were looking for their relatives still anyways so they fight their way back to their Humvee while Saya's parents and others at the mansion fight the Zombies.
They drive off into the chaotic mess.
Was the ending good? Not really. I guess it was proper though given the situation in the show. Maybe there will be a second season someday.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Saints Row: The Third
System: PS3
Bought: June {Free PSN+}
Started: June 26th
Beat: July 9th
July 18th
Trophies: 51 of 51 {No DLC}
Idea: You play as the leader of the Third Street Saints, A gang that is at war with three other gangs and once things get a little out of hand with them; STAG {Special Tactical Anti-Gang} the military like police force lead by Commander Cyrus Temple.
The game takes place in Steelport, where you run around...carjack, shoot, run over, blow up and pretty much do whatever you please until STAG and the Police show up. Then you just stay and fight them or go back to one of your owned stores or houses to get them to go away.
Thoughts: I've never played a Saints Row game before so, I was just dropped into things. It was pretty easy to get the jist of though. You're a gang, oddly not only a gang but you're a famous gang. The Saints have their own line of clothes, energy drinks, a giant Johnny Gat car driving around town. Everything.
The only thing I was really lost on was Johnny Gat, Having not played the other two games I can only base what I see from the first few minutes of the game. He's an extremely loved character who dies....
Anyways, At the beginning of the game you're whole gang plus some obnoxious actor Josh Birk are attempting to rob a bank. Surprisingly enough, All the bank employees suddenly pull out guns and this forces you to hitch the vault up to a helicopter and attempt to steal the money that way. None of this ends well, You're arrested, then taken to some goofy guys plane and then you end up broke in a city controlled by people who are not you. {The Morning Stars, Luchadores and Deckers} Yea, That wasn't much of an explanation.
With Gat dead, You and Shaundi are on your own until your second-in-command pierce gets there. Upon his arrival the three of you go and take over a penthouse owned by The Morning Stars and for the rest of the game... You take over the city and regain the money stolen from you!
The End: This game is just really fucked up, but in a good kind of way. With two endings, I'm not entirely sure which was meant to be the "True Ending". Either way you go, once the game is mostly over all hell breaks loose between the police, STAG and all the gangs. You and yours fight the good fight until you have to make the decision to either save Shaundi, Viola and the Mayor from Kia {the SiC of STAG} or go after and kill Killbane {the new leader of the Syndicate}.
Saving Shaundi has you rushing to the Steelport monument where Kia has the place rigged to explode, Once you save Shaundi and the other two, STAG is forced out of the city and the Saints are seen as heros. You end up going after Killbane in a strange, Mars movie. It was really a little dumb, kind of Star Wars-ish where Killbane claims to be your father before you kill him. Okay. Meh.
Going after Killbane actually gets you a better ending {in my opinion}, Sure your friends and the Mayor get blown up and STAG frames the Saints for it but... You get to shoot down a plane and then fight on a giant airship known as the Daedalus, STAG is destroyed and the city is now yours to do with as you please.
Pierce ends up as the new Mayor, You're the extreme leader and Steelport is a new independent city-state. Shaundi and Viola may be dead, but it's so nice to have your own city.
Shaundi - She dies at the end. Well, At least with my ending she died at the end. She's one of your more popular Homie's, but to me she was kind of irritating. The death of Gat was a real hit to her and she was at first obsessed with killing Phillipe Loren.
Didn't really call her much or maybe not at all, Just used her when she had to be used for the story line.
Pierce - He's kind of useless as a Homie when you call him, he dies fast during the battles which was really annoying. Fame wise he does commercials for the Saints energy drinks and does seem to love playing chess with Oleg.
Oleg - Loved this guy, You first come across him while going after Loren and he's naked... He'd apparently been held captive for years while the Syndicate was trying to Clone him. Luckily it never worked quite right and the clones came out with all of Oleg's strength, but none of his brains. Just giant, annoying killing machines that show up during the fights.
Over 8 Feet tall, he's extremely strong, basically a genius and an ex-member of the KGB.
Kenzie - My favorite character, She's an ex FBI agent/hacker that was framed by the Deckers into looking like she was selling secrets to the Mossad and other stuff. You rescue her from the Deckers who had captured her after her dismissal from the FBI.
Kenzi is a bit of a shut in, paranoid and really mousey. Even though she doesn't really come out she is a very useful member once you have her. At least for going against the Deckers.
Morning Star - The oldest gang in Steelport, They are the first ones you go after in the game and are lead by Phillipe Loren, the DeWynter Sisters and eventually Killbane. Like the other two gangs they are part of the "Syndicate", They are represented by hookerish looking women and suited men walking around on the streets.
Luchadores - A gang of masked wrestlers lead by Killbane, They may be the most annoying gang when it comes to fighting them. When the Specialists show up they shoot at you with these little multi-explosion weapons that just want to make you throw your remote away.
The Deckers - A hacker gang lead by Matt Miller, It felt nice to beat this guy in cyberspace. It was in a virtual reality type world and it was basically his hacking skills vrs. Kenzie's and in the end Kenzie won. In the little world you're a bouncing toilette at first and then, eventually your upgraded to a giant monster thing that destroys "dragon Matt" in the VR world.
Well, I could write about this game all day. There's a lot to do in it from blowing up the city in a tank, to throwing yourself in front of cars for false insurance claims. It's just a really messed up game... You go to BDSM Clubs and even run around the city naked for one of the challenges.
Some of the events are really annoying, Mostly the helicopter parts where you have to protect your homie's care from rival gang members and other helicopters while they drive around the city and do stuff. The Helicopter controls were just, meh. At least for the ones where the rockets didn't lock on...
I probably never would have played this game if it weren't for the PSN. Now, I am really considering getting the Fourth one once it's released the the price drops some. Well, If it's as insane as this one.
The Platinum; This Plat was a huge pain in the ass, The game glitched at me and refused to accept a complete helicopter event and I had to do the damn thing four or five times before it finally popped. The next day, When I first turned in the game and I hadn't even done anything.
Also, for some reason the game started to think it was a Demo and would shut itself off every hour and I would end up loosing completed stuff if I hadn't saved. Of course, I probably could have remedied this by re-downloading and re-installing the game but... I was too lazy to do this.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Attack on Titan 1 - 13
Everyone uses this Picture..... -_- |
Idea; One hundred years ago the world was attack by giant, humanoid creatures that are now known of as "Titans". These Titans have forced mankind into the dark ages once more, but only worse. Humans live in villages within concentric walls, The inner most circle harboring the richest most elite {snobby} of mankind and of course the King.
There are three walls, Maria, Rose and Sina. When the Anime begins an unusually large Titan breaks a hole in Wall Maria and all hell breaks loose.
Thoughts; I wasn't so sure about watching this show, Figured there was no way it could live up to all the hype floating around the Anime community. Was I correct? Yea.
Not saying it's not enjoyable to watch, The battles are rather entertaining to watch and it's kind of amusing to see how the Titans play with their food. There hasn't really been any heartbreaking moments yet, which is rather odd. Well, The part where the girl is giving CPR to her half-a-man lover was a bit sad.... Nothing major though.
Anyways, I kind of wish they didn't make it so obvious who the Armored Titan and even the Colossal Titan are. It hasn't been said yet in the show, but really... First time I saw Reiner in episode three it was like.. Derp. Then it's not much of a jump to assume the other guy was also a Titan. Of course they throw you off a little with the whole thing about their village being attacked, but yea... Oh well.
The Enemies...
Titans - Deformed, giant, humanoid type creatures that just showed up one day. All that I've seen so far are the male-ish Titans, but I am sure there's some females coming along. They tend to be 3 to 15 Meters tall, with the occasional 60 meter freak.
They seem to have no real purpose in life other then to kill and eat humans, which they don't even digest. They just hock them back up every now and then in strange, nasty ball forms. They don't seem all that bright either, most the time only making grunting noises or screaming... They are just screwed up.
The only way to kill them is to slice open the back of the Titans neck, just were it meets the spine. This is the area that Eren comes out of after he transforms into a Titan so one can assume the Titans may all have human counter parts. Or at least some of them do..
Who we have...
Eren Yeager- Hey, you can turn into a Titan. I would have never guessed it. Heh. Anyway, When it all starts out he's living with his mother, father and adopted sister Mikasa within the Wall Maria. Going on about how he wanted to join the Survey Squad and just being an annoying teenager.
All of this ends quite quickly however when a huge Titan knocks a hole in the Wall and lets a bunch of smaller yet still terrifying Titans in. His father having just left for another part of the country was safe{?}, but the house fell down on his mother after being hit by Titan debris and that is where she died. Eaten by a Titan.
The Titans pretty much destroy his town and all the refugee's are forced back to Wall Rose, not having enough resources to keep so many people alive a lot of the adults are sent out on a suicide mission to attempt to take Wall Maria back.
Fast Forward a little and Eren starts his training to hopefully destroy all the Titans... Well. On his graduation day even further into the future Wall Rose is attacked by the Titans. During the battle Eren is eaten nearly whole {minus an arm and a leg} by one of the Titans and inside his stomach something, probably his rage and determination triggers his sleeping giant. Litterally, he transforms into a Titan inside the Titan and just goes apeshit on all the surrounding Titans.
At first most the humans are afraid of him and are even going to kill him after he transformed back into a normal human, but Commander Pixis shows up just in time to hault the execution so that they may use Eren to seal the hole in Wall Rose.
After a few hiccups Eren controls his Titan form, seals the wall and...ends up arrested again. There ya have it...
Mikasa Ackerman- Eren's adopted sister and crazy ass protector, this woman is actually rather frightening, Maybe even more so then the Titans themselves.
A day when Eren's father Dr. Yeager was going to visit Mikasa's parents a group of banditss attacked Mikasa's house and killed her mother and father. Their intent was actually to enslave Mikasa's mother, but she put up too much of a fight. Seem's Mikasa's mother was one of or the last Asian female to be had and that would make her fetch quite a price on the slave market.
Deciding Mikasa would have to do, they took her instead. When Dr. Yeager shows up at the house with a young Eren and finds the dead bodies of Mikasa's parents. Eren just happens on the cabin Mikasa is being held in after getting lost in the forest and kills two of her kidnappers. Mikasa kills the third.. and since then she's been a strong, scary little girl/woman.
It's pretty obvious that she loves Eren, doubt he actually realizes this though... She's one of the best fighters coming out of training and maybe even one of the best the humans even have. She certainly has a knack for killing them.
Armin Arlet - The physically useless genius character, many of these types of shows have them and this one is no exception. Eren's best friend, his parents are long dead and the grandpa he was living with died after Wall Maria fell and they sent the old man into battle to die.
His grandfathers death seems to be what fueled him to get as far as he has. Graduating academically at the top of the class he's the one that devised the plan to seal the hole. Well, with a little help but... face it.. the kid did most of the brain-work.
Episode Rundown...
1 and 2 - Introduction and all, Titans attack Eren's town Shiganshina it naturally falls and all the refugee's end up at Wall Rose. Too many people are there and too little food to be had forces the government to have the adults choose either to go into battle against the Titans or work the Farms. Armin's grandpa dies.
3 and 4 - Training, Lots of Training and a time skip to graduation. Five or Six Years? Lots of new people are introduced, none really important enough too write about yet. Eren starts off shaky, Armin is still a bit of a weakling and Mikasa just kicks ass. The Colossal Titan attacks and here we go again..
5 thru 13 - Everyone gets to fight the Titans again, more human eating and lots of chickenshits trying to run away. Eren gets eaten, Armin has a bit of a breakdown and Mikasa just kicks ass. She even proves to be scary to the asshole adults who think their stuff is worth every ones lives.
Eren turns into a Titan after he's eaten, saves Mikasa basically on accident since she is having a bit of a breakdown after hearing he's dead. He's not dead he's just huge...and naked... I'm going to love reading their explanation on just how the Titan is "made". At the moment it's just Poof it's here, Poof it's gone.
All looks lost till Pixis shows up and decides to use Eren to pick up a giant boulder and fix the hole in the wall. First victory against the Titans, Yey! Wall Rose is safe for now.
What are they going to do with Eren? hehe
13.5 - Recap episode.
Random- There's a big thing about something in the basement back at Eren's original house. His father said he'd show him what was in the basement when he got back from his walkabout, but since the Titans destroyed their town before he got back it was never revealed. Now, they gotta go find what's in that basement...
Always Hungry! |
Favorite Character so Far is; Potato Girl. She's eating a hot Potato when you first see her, while they are in line with their new training instructor. He makes her run laps until she can't move basically.. She's always after food it's like she's insatiable.
Friday, July 5, 2013
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
Episodes: 13
How: CrunchyRoll
Grade: A
Summary: {From MAL} This romantic comedy revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hikigaya Hachiman with a distorted view on life and no friends or girlfriend. When he see his classmates talking excitedly about living their adolescent lives, he mutters: "They're a bunch of liars." When he is asked about his future dreams, he responds: "Not working." A teacher gets Hachiman to join the 'Volunteer Service' club, which happens to have the school's prettiest girl: Yukinoshita Yukino.
Ending Song: Hello Alone - Better then the opening, but still nothing to listen to over and over.
Thoughts: This was different, it wasn't a mushy school romance or a fanservice laden one which I had feared. It was... real. I actually really enjoyed the way Hachiman looked at everything, in ways I wish I had looked at things like him while in High School.
Hachiman Hikigaya- The main character, Basically. He's a pessimistic {realistic?}, friendly, 16 year old. On the first day of High School he was hit by a car while trying to save a dog, this lead to a three week stay in the hospital and time out of school. Time that most students were making friends... He's sort of like the "new kid" without actually being the new kid.
His future adviser sticks him in the Service Club, A club that's made to help other students with whatever problems they may have. This little action is to apparently help Hachiman see things in a different way.
Most of the show he's getting people angry with him for saying truthful yet... hurtful things. Feeling that he's not important so may as well get them mad at him then others. To me this is rather selfless and really in a strange way he's a pretty good guy.
By the end of the show he actually has some friends, maybe even a couple romantic choices. He's either unaware of this or is just ignoring it though.
Yukino Yukinoshita- The leader and at one point sole member of the Service Club, an excellent student with less then excellent people skills. She's the scary, smart, rich and still popular girl of the story really. Her family is fairly well ranked in Japan with her father being a member of the "Diet" or part of Japan's parliament.
Of course, every overly confident character has some sort of weakness. This is her sister, she's apparently the "perfect" one and Yukino lives in her shadow. Even at school they compare her to her sister and to her dismay her sister comes to help with the Cultural Festival.
It's a good ways through the series when it's discovered that it was her car that hit Hachiman on the first day of school. She never makes mention of it, but when the driver comes to pick her up Hachiman recognizes the car.
Yui Yuigahama- Hachiman's classmate, She's a cheerful, bouncy girl that can be rather naive. She's the first client of the service club after Hachiman joins, She wants to bake cookies for a certain someone and isn't really that good at baking.
Hachiman points out that no matter the condition of the cookies, a guy that would be worth it/like her would be happy with them. This sort of blows up in his face when she bakes him cookies and he... eats them.
After her request is fulfilled with the Service club she starts to hang out there more, Calling Hachiman "Hikki" and she even takes part in club activities.Turns out she's the owner of the dog that Hachiman rescued from the car. When Hachiman first finds this out he takes her being nice to him as just guilt, He pushes her away even.
Saika Totsuka- This guy is adorable, he's often mistaken as a girl and even Hachiman thinks he's adorable.
He's called "The Prince" by female students in his class and comes to the Service club to get help with his tennis skills.
During the Cultural Festival he's cast as the feminine role in a shounen ai type play written by one of the female students. So Adorable.
Shizuka Hiratsuka- Hachiman's language teacher and counselor, She's the one who forces Hachiman to join the service club in the hopes that it'd help him have a new outlook on life. Of course she seems a bit more damaged then he does in ways, having some major issued about the fact she's single at her age.
Whatever it may be.
Hayato Hayama - Yukino's friend from childhood, he's the pretty, all around loved guy of the class. Just the opposite of Hachiman really. Most people worship this guy, though something in the past caused some sort of wedge between he and Yukino that he has yet to be able to fix.
Not that it matters, He's nice but it just feels like a fake nice almost. Maybe he just wants to be liked too much...
Yumiko Miura- She's the bitch, she really doesn't play a huge role in the show after a few episodes where she's going head-to-head with Yui. She's the rich, snobby, pretty girl in Hayato's group.
Minami Sagami- At least Yumiko seems to know she's a bitch, Sagami is a hidden bitch. She's the nucleus of the second most popular clique in the school. She seems jealous of Yui somehow, maybe because she made it into the most popular group and left her behind?
During the end arc she becomes the event organizer for the cultural festival, which she has no business doing. In the form of hiring the Service club she really just pawns all the work off on them and the rest of the students and wants to take all the credit.
At the festival however she has a bit of a meltdown on stage, stage fright maybe and ends up running off during the closing ceremonies. Hachiman pulls one of his cruel truths out of his brain to get everyone's disdain pointed towards him so she could become the victim and have everyone's support after she's the one that was a horrible person and...yea.. She's an awful character.
I don't remember her name.. ^^; |
The End: 13 Episodes isn't enough. It ended in a nice way though, Leaving plenty of room for hopefully a second season sometime in the future. Hachiman has grown in some ways and remained the same in others, He's no longer the friendless outcast that he started out as, but he doesn't completely seem to realize this.
Maybe he does, but doesn't accept it...
As the series was getting closer to the end I was really wondering if there would be some sort of obvious decision of whether he would get with Yui or Yukino. Though, It wasn't that type of show. It's like he really has more "moments" with Saika then the two girls.
Which wasn't bad.
Anyways, Hachiman may come across rather blunt and cruel though it actually gets the job done in most cases. Of course this ends up hurting him in the end and a few of the characters actually see this {Including Hayato}.
Favorite Character: Saika; Adorable, Friendly, Adorable, Accepting, Naive, Adorable...Did I say Adorable? I love these types of characters.
Least Favorite Character: Sagami; I thought the blonde chick was a bitch from the start but at least she doesn't hide it. Sagami was just an evil little dip-shit who should have been pushed off the rooftop in the final episode.
Random - Hachiman's sister is something else, she needs to be in more episodes really. She's friendly, energetic and actually seems to like her older brother. Even though she knows he's a bit strange... She seems to get along well with Yui and Yukino too.
Monday, July 1, 2013
June ~ It wasn't that bad.
So, This month sucked in general.
Though the events of the past few weeks have made me realize that I really need a job.
I won't be counting Fathers Day Spending because that was technically a "need". I'm still looking for a raincoat that will fit, damn long arms. Perhaps, I am just too picky.
Onto what I am here for!

Arisa 8 and 9: I was sneaky about this, I did two separate orders online so that I could use two different coupons. Arisa is winding down it seems, Like most Manga I haven't actually read all of these since I don't like waiting.

Loveless 11: Almost forgot that I bought this. Didn't even realize it was out, but there it was sitting on the shelf at B&N. I really need to keep track of this better, but this is basically the only Manga series that I am caught up on besides UraBoku.
CrunchyRoll Subscription: I was never going to do this, but after having the free trial for a month and being able to watch it through my PS3.... I went ahead and let the subscription go through. It's actually a really good time saver, money saver and space saver.
Also, I'm not just one of those evil Fansub users anymore. Just for whatever Crunchy doesn't stream and I want to see.
Network Purchases: I bought nothing! Once again, PSN has not taken any of my munies. Of course they took away three of the mainstays for the freebies and replaced them with other games. Which means more fuel for my backlog... I'll never beat all these games.
Saints Row: The Third, After playing SDs so much I decided to give this one a shot. I'm a little lost since I have never played a Saints Row game before but.... Wow. This game is nutty.
Deus Ex Human Revolution, I had downloaded this game before Saints Row. It wasn't much fun, but I admit I didn't give it much of a chance. Had to delete it to make room for Saints Row. haha, I'll re-download it sometime.
Uncharted 3 & Little Big Planet Karting, They are both new and free... I've not downloaded them yet, but Uncharted's download is fucking HUGE. Which means I may never download it seeing as it may take a half a century to download.
Arisa 8 - 7.93
Arisa 9 - 7.29
Loveless 11 - 7.49
Crunchy - 6.95
Total; $29.66
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Though the events of the past few weeks have made me realize that I really need a job.
I won't be counting Fathers Day Spending because that was technically a "need". I'm still looking for a raincoat that will fit, damn long arms. Perhaps, I am just too picky.
Onto what I am here for!
Arisa 8 and 9: I was sneaky about this, I did two separate orders online so that I could use two different coupons. Arisa is winding down it seems, Like most Manga I haven't actually read all of these since I don't like waiting.
Loveless 11: Almost forgot that I bought this. Didn't even realize it was out, but there it was sitting on the shelf at B&N. I really need to keep track of this better, but this is basically the only Manga series that I am caught up on besides UraBoku.
CrunchyRoll Subscription: I was never going to do this, but after having the free trial for a month and being able to watch it through my PS3.... I went ahead and let the subscription go through. It's actually a really good time saver, money saver and space saver.
Also, I'm not just one of those evil Fansub users anymore. Just for whatever Crunchy doesn't stream and I want to see.
Network Purchases: I bought nothing! Once again, PSN has not taken any of my munies. Of course they took away three of the mainstays for the freebies and replaced them with other games. Which means more fuel for my backlog... I'll never beat all these games.
Saints Row: The Third, After playing SDs so much I decided to give this one a shot. I'm a little lost since I have never played a Saints Row game before but.... Wow. This game is nutty.
Deus Ex Human Revolution, I had downloaded this game before Saints Row. It wasn't much fun, but I admit I didn't give it much of a chance. Had to delete it to make room for Saints Row. haha, I'll re-download it sometime.
Uncharted 3 & Little Big Planet Karting, They are both new and free... I've not downloaded them yet, but Uncharted's download is fucking HUGE. Which means I may never download it seeing as it may take a half a century to download.
Arisa 8 - 7.93
Arisa 9 - 7.29
Loveless 11 - 7.49
Crunchy - 6.95
Total; $29.66
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
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