Friday, December 27, 2013

Galilei Donna

Episodes:   11

How:   CrunchyRoll

Grade:  C-

Summary:    Three sisters, Hozuki, Kazuki, and Hazuki, are descendants of Galileo and have completely different personalities and tastes; they never meet eye-to-eye. One day, the girls are suddenly attacked by a mysterious organization. The organization was after the "Galileo Tesoro" which Galileo Galilei was said to have discovered. Still unaware of what was going on, the sisters escape on the airship they built after the sudden attack. But it won't be so easy for these three sisters to help each other out in a pinch when they're constantly at odds with each other. What is the Tesoro, and what is the organization after? And what about the relationship between the sisters? It's a threesome of cute girls, action, and mystery!

Thoughts:   The only reason I watched this show was for the gigantic goldfish airship. Yes, that's the only reason. Goldfish, Goldfish, everywhere in this show.  It was a bit entertaining and actually had what could have been a fairly good story line, but all of that went out the window the further into the show I got...
      It only gets a C- because part of the show was rather enjoyable, if you don't think about it too much. The speedy conclusion to the show really, really ruined it.

Who we have....

Hozuki Ferrari- The youngest of the three sisters, she's pretty much the main character of the show having been the one who found and built all the Galileo stuff. She's oddly the person who Galileo is talking about in his love letters on the moon sketches....

Hazuki Ferrari- The eldest sister, she's extremely protective of her younger siblings and is bit crazy. She's studying law in university and tends to go into rants when she feels the laws are being broken and such.
      She's actually fairly useless till the end of the show when the three girls are on trial for their "crimes", her lawyerish background comes into play and she sort of saves the day.  Sort of.

Kazuki Ferrari- The middle child, she's the epitome of a middle child. Useless. That was mean, but hey... She frequently looks at the image of some guy on her cell phone, this guy is never given a name or even a reason why he's there.  I can only assume she has a crush on him.
         At the end during her trial he's in the audience and she finally gets over her crush on him.
 Kazuki also freaks out quite a bit, wanting to get out of their situation by any means possible. Freak Out, Don't wanna die, BlahBlahBlah.

Anna Hendrix-  She's a Galileo Maniac, obsessed with his works and is also looking to find the Tesoro. At first it seems like she's on the girls side, helping Hozuki rescue her sisters from the crooked police and aiding them in trekking down the moon sketches.
     Anna is actually working for Roberto, seemingly having a crush on the crazy man. She's always feeding him information and then finally leads him to where they are so that he may get the Tesoro, Moon sketches and the girls.
     As with most people in this situation, she learns the errors of her ways and comes back around.. helping the girls with the trial and such.

Cicinho-  This guy could have been awesome, he's an air pirate captain type deal and he and his crew are after the Galileo Tesoro. Stalking the girls all over the place, he saves them from the bad guys on multiple occasions.
    Oh what could have been with this character, falls short. He does come in handy at the end while dressed up as a fake lawyer to defend the girls.
     He has this huge crush on Hazuki, calling her his bambina which just sounds silly since he's speaking Japanese except for that one word...

Sylvia Ferrari-  The girls mother, she pretends to have Amnesia so that she can steal information from the Adonimoon Company where she works.  The company has been stealing their own fuel and such to make the price go up...

Geshio Ferrari- The girls father, looks sort of like a hippy. He's apparently an aviation and space engineer and works at a University.

Roberto Materazzi-  This dude's an asshole, but after episode six it's sort of obvious why he's such an asshole. Roberto had very loving, kind parents that would give people on the streets their food and make less for themselves in the process... Until one day his parents died during some sort of bombings.
     Young Roberto ran out into the streets to find help in getting a giant piece of rubble off his father, but no one would help him.  Even the same men that his father had once fed while they were hungry..
    Later on, in what looks to be a hospital.. Roberto is adopted by the head of Adonimoon Company. This is why he's after the girls, he wants the Tesoro just like everyone else. The company wants the unlimited power that the Tesoro could give..

Grande Rosso- The greatest character in the show! Well, sort of character. It's the AI Goldfish of the Air Ship.  It tends to be comic relief from time to time...

The End:   Uhg, what an awful ending.  It was like the show was on a steady decline from about episode six onwards.  Once Hozuki went back in time to have some strange great-great-grandpa crush the show was just dead...  I mean come on.
       Then at the end when Roberto shows up and shoots his adoptive father, what the hell is with that?  No explanation.  He just kills him and gets arrested.  I guess it's nice that the girls did find the final moon sketch and the recipe for the energy source... but... Yea.  What a terrible way for this show to end up...
   So it seems, It was supposed to be a two tier show and Aniplex decided to cut it short.. Guess it wasn't getting enough attention?  This of course is the reason for the speedy, terrible ending.