Hmm, Wow. It's the end of the year.
2013 wasn't all that great, not just for me but for anyone I know it seems. People died, People got divorced, People got hurt, People just sucked in general.
I guess the best thing that happened all year was, I finally got my ass in gear and got my GED, which I figured out I should have done a long time ago because that was some easy shit. Seriously, I could have passed that thing right out of Middle School and probably should have. Ah well.
Of course, even with the GED it doesn't really help me with my people issues and the bipolar but.. one obstacle down. In a way it helped my self confidence, although it really did show the power of my anxiety attacks too...
Anyways, this post is really about my Christmas Presents. I have to admit the dad did an amazing job this year... at least to me.
On I go.
Manga, Birthday and Christmas are my main sources for Manga lately. I really am not collecting that many and soon the majority of them will either be caught up with Japan or ended all together..
The one's I got.
Arisa 11
Black Bird 15
Black Bird 16
Sakura Hime 10
Natsume's Book of Friends 12
Natsume's Book of Friends 13
Natsume's Book of Friends 14
On the DVD/BluRay Front...
Despicable Me 2
On the Random side of things...
What I didn't know...
An Alabaster Owl, it actually proves my dad sort of knows what's cute.
Well, that's pretty much it. I got some money too and that really doesn't need to be pictured. All and all it was a pretty good Christmas. Got to see some relatives and eat some yummy food too... yea... The End.