Episodes: 12
How: Amazon
Grade: C
Summary: Yuuta Togashi suffered from chuunibyou while he was in middle school. When he graduated, he put that dark history behind him and forgot about it... or he was supposed to. High school was smooth sailing and full of enjoyment—until the unavoidable, sad event occurs. The event that locks Yuuta into a contract with Rikka Takanashi and disrupts his desperately ordinary life.
Thoughts: This whole show is about a group of teenagers playing make believe, some by choice and others have just been dragged into it. It has it's boring moments, it's dumb moments and it's good moments which are mostly near the end.
I almost didn't get past the first three episodes, but there was some part of me that really wanted to see what all the hype was about so I kept on...and on...and on... It was episode 7 when the show actually started to become less of a chore to watch. When the group goes to Rikka's grandparents house and everything is really "revealed".
Of course it's another, her father died and she is refusing to accept this type of story. Trying to stay in her little fantasy land so that she doesn't have to face the fact that her dad is truly dead. Eventually with Yuuta's help she finally accepts reality and attempts to become a "normal" teenager, but really... that Rikka is more boring than the first half of the show was.
In the end she returns to her delusional thinking, but this time in a little healthier of manner. This time it's not to run and hide from the real world,but to just have fun with her friends.
Who we have....
Yuuta Togashi- Not really an original character, as with most main males in these types of show he's sort of just dragged along for the ride by his eventual love interest Rikka. He'd actually be more interesting if he kept himself in the "Dark Flame Master" mode.
Rikka Takanashi- She's the nucleus of the show, she's the thing that brings all the rest of the crazies together. There's really nothing special about her in terms of main characters, bad stuff happened to her in the past and now she's in denial. Sure, her method of denial is a bit unusual... making up her own fantasy world and being in a constant state of Role Play; but in the end she's just another female that accepts her life and slowly finds love.
Sanae Dekomori- The hyper girl, she's Rikka's friend and "Servant" she will always serve her or at least take her place. She's younger then the rest of the group, still in middle school. Incredibly smart for being a Chunibyo though, she's top of her class. She might just be the most insane of the party, using her pigtails for weapons which she has dubbed "Mjolnir". Thor anyone? Heh.
When Shinka finds out that Dekomori has her terrible past in print she decides to join the Club to hopefully destroy it once and for all. Dekomori of course doesn't believe she Shinka is really Forest Summer and the two of them are almost constantly fighting....but not in public.
Shinka's personality is completely different to the rest of the school, she quiet, polite and nice. The popular girl.
Kumin Tsuyuri- Granted, she's sort of the boring character, but I really liked Kumin. Being a year or two ahead of the rest of the group she's the calm, sweet, light girl. At first she was attempting to form a Club for Sleeping, the thing she likes to do the most. This of course didn't work to well so she was recruited by Rikka into the Far Eastern Magic Society.
She really enjoys touching Makoto's bald head, who doesn't seem to mind..
Tooka Takanashi- Rikka's sister, she's the "Priestess of the Deep Horizon". Rikka believes her to be her enemy and the two of them "fight" quite often. A ladle is Tooka's weapon and she's quite good at this "fighting" thing.
Anyways, in the real world aspect Rikka lives with her sister who tends to be at work a lot as a cook. Tooka also likes to push Yuuta into helping Rikka with stuff.... she may have been the first to notice the two of thems relationship growing past more than friends.