System: PS3
Bought: Playstation Plus January 2015
Started: Jan. 8th 2015
Beat: Jan. 30th 2015
Trophies: 44 of 44
Idea: Taking place 2 years after the first game, Prototype 2 revolved around James Heller. Heller believes his family is dead, killed by the mutants that the Blacklight virus created. He rejoins the Military to fight against the infected "monsters" that have taken over parts of New York, during a mission he runs into Mercer... The man the Government is making people believe is spreading the Virus. This encounter ends with Heller becoming infected by Mercer, but instead of a mindless Zombie type he's just like Mercer. An "Evolved", A super powered human that can absorb other living beings and take their forms/powers/memories.
After the initial infection Heller is held by the Military and Scientists who attempt to preform tests on him and kill him, until he gets away. Upon finding Mercer again it's shown to him that it's actually the Blackwatch and Gentek that are spreading the Virus, not Mercer.
Of course Mercer isn't a big pile of fluff either, he's been making "Evolved" humans like himself and Heller and planting them in various positions in Gentek, Blackwatch and the NYZ. He's trying to infect the entire world with "Whitelight" {a fake "cure" to the virus} which actually quickens the Virus instead of curing.
Thoughts: This game was fun to play, super fun. You can run up buildings and semi-fly all around the place. You consume people, mutants and evolved for memories, new powers and to quickly restore your HP. The battle is fun and really nothing about it is all too difficult, even on the "Hard" difficulty things were quite easy.
It's also completely open world once you can use the Helipads, sort like a Saints Row but not with the gangs and stuff. Just a bunch of mutant, zombie creatures to squish and run over with tanks and stuff.
Of course, I have never played the first Prototype game so I was a little lost on exactly who/what Mercer was at the beginning. It didn't take long to figure it out.
I'm really glad it was a free game since I doubt I'd ever had bought it myself, seeing I had never even heard of the games before it was on Plus. Will I buy Prototype 1? Probably not. Did I wish 2 was a bit longer? Yep!
The Bad Guys
Doctor Koenig- At first thought to be just a scientist working with Gentek, later is revealed to be an Evolved just like Heller. He was planted in Gentek to spy for Mercer and has a bit of a, inferiority complex.
When Heller shows up to kill him at first, he kind of begs for his life and sends Heller off after a Blackwatch project named "Orion". The project is supposed to be some sort of Super Soldier that could hopefully defeat Heller and the other Evolved. Of course, this turns out to not be Koenig "helping" at all. He just sent Heller to Orion so he could observe Hellers strengths and weaknesses.
After learning this, Heller gets pissed off and comes back to kill Koenig. Koenig thinks if he could kill Heller that he could become Mercers Number 2.
Heller Consumes him.
Sabrina Galloway- Another one of Hellers targets, turned friend, turned enemy. He goes after her, but she barters her abilities to sense the other Evolved for her life. Other than Mercer and another evolved named Roland she could sense where their kind were.
After the two of them hunt down Roland using the old fashion method of just consuming tons of people, she wants Heller to run away with her and leave NYZ. Nope, Heller would have none of that. This pisses her off and prompts her to kidnap the still alive daughter of Heller from Brooks and give her to Mercer.
She ends up dead too, Killed by Mercer though.
The In between.
Colonel Rooks- A member of Blackwatch, Heller actually plays him for most the game. Having "consumed" Riley {One of Blackwatch}, Heller shifts to his form from time to time to get information out of Rooks. One part information was the fact his daughter was still alive.
The one time Heller came to kill Rooks, he was on the phone with his own daughter which prompted Heller to change quickly into Riley and not kill the Colonel. What luck.
Rooks isn't an idiot though, he sensed something was up with Riley and confronted him/Heller on a rooftop about it and Heller showed his true form. Rooks was quite, shocked and angry; but Heller tells him that all he wants is his daughter and then he'd leave. Rooks let him leave and Heller didn't kill him.
Near the end of the game Rooks gets Amaya back for Heller, but before he can hand her over Galloway kidnaps her and takes her to Mercer. Rooks lives in the end.
The Good
Luis Guerra- A Priest at a church in the yellow zone, apparently Heller went to his church or something, he did seem to know him from before all hell broke loose. He was a bit of a hacker, being able to get into the Blacknet and get information to rescue people from Blackwatch testing.
He also had an informant of sorts, Athena which turned out to be Dana Mercer. Alex Mercer ends up killing him when Heller starts to screw with his plans to infect the world with the Virus.
In the end it almost looks like she has a liking for Heller and may as well end up his daughters care taker.
The Mains
James Heller: After he was turned into an "Evolved" by Mercer, Heller sets out to find the truth behind the Blacklight Virus and take revenge for his dead wife and daughter. On his journey he's betrayed by most everyone, is oddly surprised by one and just decides to kill anyone who steps on his toes.
In the end he rescues his daughter and kills Alex Mercer, consuming him grants him what seems to be Godlike powers of course.
Alex Mercer: The guy from the first one, I don't really know much about his past, but he was somehow infected with the Virus and Evolved from it instead of turning into a zombie like creature. Anyways, he's basically godlike in the start and pretends to be a friend of sorts until you find out he's batshit crazy.
There's a "cure" for the Virus called Whitelight, it doesn't cure anything though it just speeds the rate of the virus and causes the creatures to mutate faster. He wants the whole world to succumb to the virus or becomes evolved like him.
Does that happen? Nope. Even after he consumes the remaining Evolved to fight Heller. He dead.
The End: I want to say the end was great, outstanding and stuff; but it's not. It was just "okay", I guess they wanted to leave room for a Prototype 3 even with Mercer dead. Heller kills Mercer, saves his daughter and Dana and withdraws all the Virus from the New York Islands.
Guess one could say Heller is now Mercer, but stronger. The game ends with Heller, Dana and Amaya standing on a roof overlooking a virusless Red Zone.
The battle with Mercer was a bit of a let down too, it was easy.... of course I died a couple times before I got use to the change in battle styles, but after 3 Deaths Mercer goes down. Guess I could change the difficulty to above Hard, if there was one above Hard....but nah.