This month was just one giant ball of stress, even with my dad going back to work the looming GED test just made the entire month hell. Whoever thought about putting these things at the END of a month? *sighs* About a hundred anxiety attacks and many upset stomachs later though... I passed the damn thing in one try.
Which is a good thing, if I had to have paid the 60 dollars to take the tests again the added financial stress would have probably killed me. Who am I kidding, I wouldn't have taken the test again I would have curled up in a ball, in the corner of my dark room and stayed there for the rest of my life. It took every bit of my being to go there and do it in the first place...
Guess I'll admit it, I rocked the test too. Well, everything but the math portion of the test which I completely freaked out about and kept looking at the clock...time...time was not on my side. TickTickTick. I could feel the clock pounding away at my head and I damn near broke down and cried right in the test room. That would have been more than embarrassing...
On to what this post is for...
CrunchyRoll Subscription: I'm not using this anywhere near as much as I should, but I decided to keep it
at least one more month. The main factor of me keeping the paid membership is of course, the PS3 App.. If for some reason that stops working to my level of expectations then I will cancel it... and use AdBlock on the computer.
Minions - Dave and Karl - I'm a sucker for these little yellow beings from the movie Despicable Me and with Despicable Me 2 being released comes a wave of FunkoPop Vinyl Figures. I couldn't find them at my local Barnes & Nobles so I took to the net.
Sure enough, you can buy those cute little toys separately... I really wanted the one with the Banana, but this McDondalds only had Stuart and one other that I can't remember. He's a cute little guy and he actually made the rest of my day more tolerable.
Assassin's Creed: Revalations & Brotherhood - Coupons from Half Price Books are always fun, they tend to do a week of different percents on each day. It was a Sunday and it was a 50% off Day, the place was jammed packed with people buying dozens of books and what not. I always wonder if they really read them all or if they just sit in their house forever, forgotten in a box or maybe even the Half Price bag somewhere.
Anyways, I had one coupon from the snail mail and another from an Email so... yea... I used both. Had my dad use one while I paid for the other. I really went in expecting to find nothing since it was around 4 PM and most the time people pick through stuff fast.. There they were though..
I'd be debating on buying the Ezio Trilogy for a while, but I was always kind of let down that it did not come with the first Assassin's Creed and that it came in a Red Box. It's a silly thing, but I hate the red boxes. I'll buy them and I do have three games in them but... if I can I will avoid them.
I lucked out, Revalations has AC1 on the disc with it and Brotherhood was in the original clear box. No GOTY Edtions here! Yey! Sure, I had to find AC2... but that wouldn't be much of a problem.
Assassins Creed 2: This was an early birthday present to myself or was it a "Yey! I passed the GED" present to myself? Either or...I was checking around GameStops for a copy of the game and there it was. So, I grabbed it.
I know the Trilogy came with AC2s DLC, but I am not really bothered by not having that.
Network Purchases: Once again, I bought nothing. With the backlog I have accumulated I really don't need to buy much of anything. The month of July itself was a little "meh" on the free games too... which is fine by me. This subscription has all ready paid for itself....
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD; Quite a while back I had downloaded the demo for this game, really liked it... deleted the demo and forgot about it. I guess it's good that I forgot about it now or I would have bought it. haha.. It's a quirky little game that I can just sit down and play for a little while, then come back much later and never feel like I've forgotten anything.
Battlefield 3 & Jet Set Radio; I'm still on the fence with these two, no idea if I even want to try them and have their existence burned into my Trophy memory forever. I'm still regretting that stupid Special Ops. game.
CrunchyRoll - 6.95
Minion Dave - 7.25
Minion Karl - 6.83
Minion Stuart- 1.95
AC: R & B - 13.23
AC: 2 - 13.77
Total - $49.98
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD