This is the month I was waiting for.
The month my games were coming in.
Of course there was also the dad's birthday in the start of the month, that turned out a little less than spectacular. Glad I was born in the Summer, no cold weather and really.... in August there's not a lot of weather that can be had here. Other than Hot.
Anyways, We had a doozy of an ice storm on March 2nd... which also happened to be the day of the dad's birth. A couple years back there was a huge tornado outbreak on the same date... I guess I can't say it was THAT bad. It actually turned out a lot milder than what the weatherman fore casted.... The temperatures for most of the month still sucked...
Nice Flowers....Cake! |
Coldest March I lived through in a while.
Done with that, eventually we got to go out and celebrate his Birthday.
Games, My Games! I rarely pre-order a game, I tend to wait for them to come out and wait a little longer for their prices to drop but.... I pre-ordered two games last year, not actually knowing their release dates at the time...
Oh my, they were to be released about a week apart. A week. Derp. Oh well.
Amazon was saying there was some sort of delay in my shipment, that I wouldn't get it till around April 1st... but that was a lie. It shipped from a warehouse pretty near by and got here the Thursday after release. Yey!
The release is really pretty.... Only downside is that I wish it had a game box. The disc is nestled into the art book which is in a slip cover type box. I'll have to make myself a case for the game so that it's actual case won't get damaged from use.
The Witch and the Hundred Knight- Ordered from Target, during a sale or possibly a price glitch. This
was the first time I ever used Targets website for anything and really... the way they handle their pre-orders is a pain. The pre-order was in the beginning of November, they must have pinged my account twice a week every week after the pre-order...
Twice, is that really necessary? This of course had me thinking it was a price error and they were finding a way to back out of the deal. Lots of peoples got canceled, somehow mine never did. Which is nice...
I'd been waiting for a couple years for this game anyways and oddly, I never knew a thing about it... Even getting it's name wrong quite often. "Hundred Knight" not "Hundred Knights". Whoops.
Got the game the Thursday after release, It has a reversible cover which I feel all games and DVD types should have... It also came with a CD which I wasn't really aware of. <3 Gotta Love NISA.
Overall, the experience with Target online was okay.... I never got a shipping Email though. Derp. Then, I never received an order confirmation either. Meh.
Network Purchases; Nothing! Was playing Saints Row 4 most the month, Until FFX got here at least. I didn't even look at the sales for the month. The free games this month were pretty good though...
Tomb Raider - The PS3 Version, only got to play a little of it before I switched back over to SR. I need to get back to it eventually, it was okay.... at least the 30 minutes of it that I played was.
Lone Survivor- This game is going to drive me insane, I kind of suck at it. Everything is "missable" and you have to play through it a few times...
Thomas Was Alone- Haven't downloaded it yet, but I will......
Final Fantasy HD - 42.36
Witch and the Hundred Knight- 21.00
Total: 63.36
Free Games {The Growing List}
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Quantum Conundrum
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Spec. Ops: The Line
The Cave
Labyrinth Legends
Sleeping Dogs
Knytt Underground
Pinball Arcade
Saints Row: The Third
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Hitman Absolution
Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection
Galga Legions DX
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
ibb & obb
Borderlands 2
DMC: Devil May Cry
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
BioShock Infinite
Remember Me
PayDay 2
Tomb Raider
Lone Survivor
Thomas Was Alone