Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ghost Hunt

Episodes:  25

How:  DVD

Rating:  5 out of 5

Summary:  While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17 year old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building.

The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured.

Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting.

Thoughts:  I've been in a Ghosty type mood lately, With Ghost Hunt I watched it all the way through during it's initial run. This time, With Netflix I've been watching the Dub.  Not too bad.
     The show is basically about a group of people with a certain skill set that team up and help others who are having ghost issues.  I like these type of shows, A paranormal mystery with some magic, comedy and a hint of young crushes thrown in there. No fan service either.

Who we have....

Mai Taniyama -  A 16 year old Orphan, You don't find out about her living situation till late in the series and really it plays no part in the show itself.  She has a crush on Naru or maybe it's Dream Naru she has a crush on, I am not entirely sure.
       She is not completely useless on the power side, It turns out that she has ESP abilities ranging from post cognitive dreams to astral projection. She's really rusty with these abilities but they seem to grow over time, To defend herself Monk and Ayako teach her some defensive spells.
     Sometimes during cases, When she sleeps or is knocked out Mai sees "Naru" and talks to him. He tells or shows her things that are going on and just helps her in general.

Kazuya Shibuya - Naru, The Boss. 17 years old, He's a paranormal researcher of great intelligence.  He certainly knows he's intelligent too, His narcissism gains him the nickname "Naru" from Mai.
       For most of the series it appears that Naru has no paranormal powers what-so-ever, Until the final episodes where he goes Super Saiyan and blasts a little shrine that no one else could destroy. Turns out he's an incredibly powerful Psychokinetic whose powers take a huge toll on his body when used.  Lin has taught him techniques to control these powers and gets rather angry when he uses them.

Lin Koujo -  Quite, Cold, Kinda Scary. He's Naru's assistant, It seems he's quite the powerful Onmyoji and possesses quite a number of skills {exorcisms,summoning, familiars}. Though it's never said why {in the anime}, He's quite protective of Naru.
      Later in the series, He admits that he does not like Japanese people because of their historical problems with China.  This upsets Mai since, She has always felt that Lin had a disliking for her. She tells him pretty much that he should dislike her for things that she has done, not simply because she is Japanese. He laughs at this and says someone else said the exact same thing to him... but doesn't say who it was.

Masako Hara - The annoying girl, I mean....  The 16 year old Medium. She can sense ghosts and such but, Other then that she's pretty useless.  The girly girl who has a crush on Naru and that you just wanna slap for some reason.
     Multiple times she's shown that she's jealous of Mai's closeness to Naru.  Meh, I don't like this one.

John Brown -  A 19 year old, blond haired, Catholic Priest from Australia, The Dub gave him an Australian accent though I can't say if it's a good one or not.  He's cheerful and quite helpful through the series, Doing exorcisms when needed and such..

Ayako Matsuzaki -  A 23 year old Shinto priestess, Her parents are wealthy doctors that own a local hospital. When she was younger, she'd talk to a large tree's spirit who taught her basically everything she knows. Having learned this way, Her powers are really determinant on how many trees there are around and she can't use the same group of tree's powers more then once in a six month period.
      She has a ton of self confidence throughout the series, She taught Mai a defense sutra and is sort of a motherly figure.  It wasn't till the final mystery that her true powers were really shown.

Houshou Takigawa -  "Monk"  A 25 year old, Sort of Buddhist Monk.  He left his position at Mt. Koya because they did not allow CDs, His day job is that of a Bass player in a popular band.
     He's one of the more useful people in the group, Acting as "boss" when Naru is absent and he also taught Mai some Buddhist Warding spells.  He's the "Fun" one of the group, cracking jokes and he really does play the big brother role in many of the episodes.

Favorite Character{s}:   Monk -  He wasn't useless, He was protective and caring with Mai. He was like a wonderful big brother in any other Anime.
                                    John Brown - I'm not sure if I got the same feel for him in the subbed version but, His accent in the dub made him quite the lovable character. He as positive and fun.... when on screen.

Least Favorite Character{s}:  Masako - I do not like you, You're kinda useless and way too girly. Your
crush on Naru needs to be squished and.... you're just bitchy in a quiet way.