Friday, July 5, 2013

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

Episodes:   13

How:  CrunchyRoll
Grade:   A

Summary: {From MAL} This romantic comedy revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hikigaya Hachiman with a distorted view on life and no friends or girlfriend. When he see his classmates talking excitedly about living their adolescent lives, he mutters: "They're a bunch of liars." When he is asked about his future dreams, he responds: "Not working." A teacher gets Hachiman to join the 'Volunteer Service' club, which happens to have the school's prettiest girl: Yukinoshita Yukino. 

Opening Song:  Yukitoki  -  Skipped it most the time, Only listened to it the first episode. It was a bit "meh".
Ending Song:   Hello Alone - Better then the opening, but still nothing to listen to over and over.

Thoughts:  This was different, it wasn't a mushy school romance or a fanservice laden one which I had feared. It was... real. I actually really enjoyed the way Hachiman looked at everything, in ways I wish I had looked at things like him while in High School.

Hachiman Hikigaya- The main character, Basically. He's a pessimistic {realistic?}, friendly, 16 year old. On the first day of High School he was hit by a car while trying to save a dog, this lead to a three week stay in the hospital and time out of school.  Time that most students were making friends... He's sort of like the "new kid" without actually being the new kid.
      His future adviser sticks him in the Service Club, A club that's made to help other students with whatever problems they may have. This little action is to apparently help Hachiman see things in a different way.
        Most of the show he's getting people angry with him for saying truthful yet... hurtful things. Feeling that he's not important so may as well get them mad at him then others. To me this is rather selfless and really in a strange way he's a pretty good guy.
       By the end of the show he actually has some friends, maybe even a couple romantic choices. He's either unaware of this or is just ignoring it though.

Yukino Yukinoshita-  The leader and at one point sole member of the Service Club, an excellent student with less then excellent people skills.  She's the scary, smart, rich and still popular girl of the story really.  Her family is fairly well ranked in Japan with her father being a member of the "Diet" or part of Japan's parliament.
        Of course, every overly confident character has some sort of weakness. This is her sister, she's apparently the "perfect" one and Yukino lives in her shadow. Even at school they compare her to her sister and to her dismay her sister comes to help with the Cultural Festival.
       It's a good ways through the series when it's discovered that it was her car that hit Hachiman on the first day of school. She never makes mention of it, but when the driver comes to pick her up Hachiman recognizes the car.

Yui Yuigahama- Hachiman's classmate, She's a cheerful, bouncy girl that can be rather naive. She's the first client of the service club after Hachiman joins, She wants to bake cookies for a certain someone and isn't really that good at baking.
      Hachiman points out that no matter the condition of the cookies, a guy that would be worth it/like her would be happy with them.  This sort of blows up in his face when she bakes him cookies and he... eats them.
      After her request is fulfilled with the Service club she starts to hang out there more, Calling Hachiman "Hikki" and she even takes part in club activities.Turns out she's the owner of the dog that Hachiman rescued from the car. When Hachiman first finds this out he takes her being nice to him as just guilt, He pushes her away even.

Saika Totsuka- This guy is adorable, he's often mistaken as a girl and even Hachiman thinks he's adorable.
He's called "The Prince" by female students in his class and comes to the Service club to get help with his tennis skills.
     During the Cultural Festival he's cast as the feminine role in a shounen ai type play written by one of the female students.  So Adorable.

Shizuka Hiratsuka-  Hachiman's language teacher and counselor, She's the one who forces Hachiman to join the service club in the hopes that it'd help him have a new outlook on life.  Of course she seems a bit more damaged then he does in ways, having some major issued about the fact she's single at her age.
           Whatever it may be.

Hayato Hayama -  Yukino's friend from childhood, he's the pretty, all around loved guy of the class. Just the opposite of Hachiman really. Most people worship this guy, though something in the past caused some sort of wedge between he and Yukino that he has yet to be able to fix.
      Not that it matters,  He's nice but it just feels like a fake nice almost. Maybe he just wants to be liked too much...

Yumiko Miura-  She's the bitch, she really doesn't play a huge role in the show after a few episodes where she's going head-to-head with Yui.  She's the rich, snobby, pretty girl in Hayato's group.

Minami Sagami-   At least Yumiko seems to know she's a bitch, Sagami is a hidden bitch. She's the nucleus of the second most popular clique in the school. She seems jealous of Yui somehow, maybe because she made it into the most popular group and left her behind?
    During the end arc she becomes the event organizer for the cultural festival, which she has no business doing. In the form of hiring the Service club she really just pawns all the work off on them and the rest of the students and wants to take all the credit.
     At the festival however she has a bit of a meltdown on stage, stage fright maybe and ends up running off during the closing ceremonies. Hachiman pulls one of his cruel truths out of his brain to get everyone's disdain pointed towards him so she could become the victim and have everyone's support after she's the one that was a horrible person and...yea.. She's an awful character.

I don't remember her name..  ^^;

The End:  13 Episodes isn't enough.  It ended in a nice way though, Leaving plenty of room for hopefully a second season sometime in the future. Hachiman has grown in some ways and remained the same in others, He's no longer the friendless outcast that he started out as, but he doesn't completely seem to realize this.
      Maybe he does, but doesn't accept it...
As the series was getting closer to the end I was really wondering if there would be some sort of obvious decision of whether he would get with Yui or Yukino.  Though, It wasn't that type of show. It's like he really has more "moments" with Saika then the two girls.
        Which wasn't bad.
Anyways, Hachiman may come across rather blunt and cruel though it actually gets the job done in most cases. Of course this ends up hurting him in the end and a few of the characters actually see this {Including Hayato}.

Favorite Character:  Saika;  Adorable, Friendly, Adorable, Accepting, Naive, Adorable...Did I say Adorable?  I love these types of characters.

Least Favorite Character:  Sagami;  I thought the blonde chick was a bitch from the start but at least she doesn't hide it. Sagami was just an evil little dip-shit who should have been pushed off the rooftop in the final episode.

Random -  Hachiman's sister is something else, she needs to be in more episodes really.  She's friendly, energetic and actually seems to like her older brother. Even though she knows he's a bit strange... She seems to get along well with Yui and Yukino too.